Real Airbag Suspension (w/ Gamepad Support) 2.1.2d
45 539
45 539
Should work with update 1.0.678.1, and up to the Doomsday update. Might work all the way back to update 1.0.335.2, but it is not tested.
**You MUST run GTA 5 as Administrator or you will get an error!**
What is it?
This is now real on-the-fly suspension editing with custom sounds for lowering and raising your suspension. Keyboard and Gamepad support. Customize-able keys and buttons.
Check out @ikt's VStancer for in-game Camber, Track width, and Suspension height editing, complete with multiple preset saving and loading :)
The pre-2.0 versions of this script are like @ImNotMental's VStanced, @ikt's Slam It mod , and the feature of the same name in MAFINS' Menyoo mod menu. You can still use this method if you want by disabling the new system in the ini settings.
- Choose between on-the-fly handling.meta suspension editing or fake/simulated suspension editing.
Note: You can actually set your default suspension with the real/handling.meta suspension editing, then modify it further with the simulated suspension editing.
- Choose 2 custom sounds that will play when you raise or lower your vehicle's suspension.
- Customize the volume of each sound to your liking, or disable it completely.
- Customize the speed at which your suspension changes. A lower number makes for a smoother animation.
- Enable or disable my Automated Suspension Adjustment system (only for the simulated suspension editing). This system changes your suspension as you drive, depending on conditions such as steering angle and speed.
- Updated for Doomsday update (1.0.1290.1). Should work with future updates as well thanks to Unknown_Modder, CamxxCore, sollaholla, and ikt.
- Updated for Smugger's Run (1.0.1180.2) update
-Fix for Steam users.
-Updated for Gunrunning (1.0.1103.2) update
-Added following options in ini settings:
> Disable Vehicle Ducking when changing suspension
> Fix vehicle mechanically when suspension is changed
> Clean vehicle when suspension is changed
> Show Suspension Value Subtitle (useful if you want to know the exact fSuspensionRaise value for the handling.meta)
-Quick fix for those that have the newest build of SHVDotNet.
-Updated for the Import/Export update (1.0.994.2)
-Some background stuff
Real on-the-fly suspension editing! Credits go to ikt for his Real Time Handling Editor source (and for personally helping me!) and to leftas for his vehicle struct research!
You can still use the pre-2.0 suspension editing along with the ASA System if you so please.
Of course, all the custom sounds will work with this "new" system.
Lastly, the mod should now work properly with PCs that are using a non-QWERTY keyboard layout.
Couple issues with on-the-fly suspension editing:
- In order to force the game to recognize the suspension changes, I had to use the Repair Vehicle function. So your vehicle will be repaired whenever you edit the suspension.
- The above mentioned workaround may still not work if your vehicle has never touched anything with its body. If you hear the suspension sound but don't see any changes, try driving into a wall or another vehicle.
- When there is a new GTA 5 update, this mod will most likely have to be updated to work with that new update. However, you will still be able to use the old suspension system.
- See the Notes section below for more info.
-Added ability to have a separate sound for raising the suspension.
-Added more settings in the ini file pertaining to sound and volume control.
-Fixed bug where after using a vehicle with a modified suspension, the next vehicle you use will suddenly have the same suspension value.
-Added a couple of different sounds you can choose from. You can easily try each of them by writing the filename into the appropriate ini setting.
-Please delete the AirbagSuspension.mp3 file if you were using an older version of this mod, it was moved into the AirbagSuspensionSounds folder and renamed.
Added different speeds for raising and lowering suspension.
Added setting to enable/disable Engine Power and Torque multipliers, in case you want to use a trainer to do that.
Your last vehicle will keep the suspension changes even when outside the vehicle.
Fixed a bug where the hiss sound will continue to play if you exit the vehicle while lowering the suspension.
Added air/hiss sound when lowering suspension.
Added Automated Suspension Adjustment system:
- When suspension is lowered, suspension will slowly increase depending on your steering angle, which will temporarily give you normal handling and allow you to drift normally.
- When suspension is lowered, suspension will slowly increase when beginning a motorcycle wheelie.
- When suspension is raised, suspension will slowly decrease to normal temporarily when you start moving (between 1 - 10 KMPH or 0.6 to 6 MPH, approximately), in order to give a slight speed boost.
- When suspension is raised, suspension will slowly decrease to normal temporarily when handbraking.
- When suspension is raised, suspension will slowly decrease to normal temporarily when doing sharp turns on a motorcycle.
Added ini setting for the following:
- Suspension Control Speed (How fast your suspension changes)
- Max and Min offsets for Suspension (how high/low you can set the suspension)
- Toggle for the ASA System
- Volume controls (can set to 0 to disable volume)
First release. Simple ability to raise or lower your vehicle's suspension.
Controls - all modifiable in the ini!
-For Keyboards-
Raise Suspension: T
Lower Suspension: Y
Reset Suspension: U
-For Gamepads-
Xbox-type controllers
Raise Suspension: X + Leftstick UP
Lower Suspension: X + Leftstick DOWN
Reset Suspension: X + A
Playstation-type controllers
Raise Suspension: Square (☐) + Leftstick UP
Lower Suspension: Square (☐) + Leftstick DOWN
Reset Suspension: Square (☐) + Cross (X)
Notes about the real/on-the-fly suspension system
- Raising the suspension too high can make your vehicle roll over easily when turning at certain speeds. (obviously)
- You cannot edit the suspension of motorcycles (I did not thoroughly test this, however). Use the old/fake suspension system if you'd like to do that.
- Lowering the suspension too low will make the wheels act weirdly, and you will not be able to drive. Use the Reset Suspension key/button to return your suspension to normal.
- Lowering the suspension to a certain point will make the vehicle very drifty. Not sure how to fix this, if it's even something that needs fixing.
- Since this on-the-fly method involves editing the handling.meta in the game memory, all vehicles that are the same model will have the suspension changes. Ex: if you raise the suspension of a banshee, all banshees will have the same suspension.
Notes about the older/"fake" suspension system
-The vehicle becomes easier to turn the lower the suspension is, but the ASA system will adjust your suspension to the default handling the longer you turn.
-Some vehicles become really "drifty" (see the video) when you raise the suspension too much, some just outright slide. The ASA system will make it much easier to turn when you use the handbrake.
-Motorcycles can do it too! A low suspension makes turning really quick (unrealistically), but raising the suspension can work pretty well. Of course, the ASA system will adjust your suspension accordingly.
Planned Features
- Add seperate suspension adjustments for the front and back of a vehicle. Suggested by @imyluck Update: Might be possible; anyone know how it is done in the handling.meta file?
- Add scraping sounds and sparks when suspension is really low. Suggested by @friedSOY This is possible, but I am having a hard time locating the in-game sound and fx for this. If anyone has any info on this, it would be greatly appreciated.
Place the "scripts" folder in your GTA V directory where GTA5.exe is located
Credits to ElyZium for the idea, for beta testing, and for finding the first custom sound! Of course, credits to whoever recorded/created the sound.
Credits to Remix for certain suggestions and testing as well.
For the on-the-fly suspension editing method, credits go to ikt for his Real Time Handling Editor source (and for personally helping me!) and to leftas for his vehicle struct research!
**You MUST run GTA 5 as Administrator or you will get an error!**
What is it?
This is now real on-the-fly suspension editing with custom sounds for lowering and raising your suspension. Keyboard and Gamepad support. Customize-able keys and buttons.
Check out @ikt's VStancer for in-game Camber, Track width, and Suspension height editing, complete with multiple preset saving and loading :)
The pre-2.0 versions of this script are like @ImNotMental's VStanced, @ikt's Slam It mod , and the feature of the same name in MAFINS' Menyoo mod menu. You can still use this method if you want by disabling the new system in the ini settings.
- Choose between on-the-fly handling.meta suspension editing or fake/simulated suspension editing.
Note: You can actually set your default suspension with the real/handling.meta suspension editing, then modify it further with the simulated suspension editing.
- Choose 2 custom sounds that will play when you raise or lower your vehicle's suspension.
- Customize the volume of each sound to your liking, or disable it completely.
- Customize the speed at which your suspension changes. A lower number makes for a smoother animation.
- Enable or disable my Automated Suspension Adjustment system (only for the simulated suspension editing). This system changes your suspension as you drive, depending on conditions such as steering angle and speed.
- Updated for Doomsday update (1.0.1290.1). Should work with future updates as well thanks to Unknown_Modder, CamxxCore, sollaholla, and ikt.
- Updated for Smugger's Run (1.0.1180.2) update
-Fix for Steam users.
-Updated for Gunrunning (1.0.1103.2) update
-Added following options in ini settings:
> Disable Vehicle Ducking when changing suspension
> Fix vehicle mechanically when suspension is changed
> Clean vehicle when suspension is changed
> Show Suspension Value Subtitle (useful if you want to know the exact fSuspensionRaise value for the handling.meta)
-Quick fix for those that have the newest build of SHVDotNet.
-Updated for the Import/Export update (1.0.994.2)
-Some background stuff
Real on-the-fly suspension editing! Credits go to ikt for his Real Time Handling Editor source (and for personally helping me!) and to leftas for his vehicle struct research!
You can still use the pre-2.0 suspension editing along with the ASA System if you so please.
Of course, all the custom sounds will work with this "new" system.
Lastly, the mod should now work properly with PCs that are using a non-QWERTY keyboard layout.
Couple issues with on-the-fly suspension editing:
- In order to force the game to recognize the suspension changes, I had to use the Repair Vehicle function. So your vehicle will be repaired whenever you edit the suspension.
- The above mentioned workaround may still not work if your vehicle has never touched anything with its body. If you hear the suspension sound but don't see any changes, try driving into a wall or another vehicle.
- When there is a new GTA 5 update, this mod will most likely have to be updated to work with that new update. However, you will still be able to use the old suspension system.
- See the Notes section below for more info.
-Added ability to have a separate sound for raising the suspension.
-Added more settings in the ini file pertaining to sound and volume control.
-Fixed bug where after using a vehicle with a modified suspension, the next vehicle you use will suddenly have the same suspension value.
-Added a couple of different sounds you can choose from. You can easily try each of them by writing the filename into the appropriate ini setting.
-Please delete the AirbagSuspension.mp3 file if you were using an older version of this mod, it was moved into the AirbagSuspensionSounds folder and renamed.
Added different speeds for raising and lowering suspension.
Added setting to enable/disable Engine Power and Torque multipliers, in case you want to use a trainer to do that.
Your last vehicle will keep the suspension changes even when outside the vehicle.
Fixed a bug where the hiss sound will continue to play if you exit the vehicle while lowering the suspension.
Added air/hiss sound when lowering suspension.
Added Automated Suspension Adjustment system:
- When suspension is lowered, suspension will slowly increase depending on your steering angle, which will temporarily give you normal handling and allow you to drift normally.
- When suspension is lowered, suspension will slowly increase when beginning a motorcycle wheelie.
- When suspension is raised, suspension will slowly decrease to normal temporarily when you start moving (between 1 - 10 KMPH or 0.6 to 6 MPH, approximately), in order to give a slight speed boost.
- When suspension is raised, suspension will slowly decrease to normal temporarily when handbraking.
- When suspension is raised, suspension will slowly decrease to normal temporarily when doing sharp turns on a motorcycle.
Added ini setting for the following:
- Suspension Control Speed (How fast your suspension changes)
- Max and Min offsets for Suspension (how high/low you can set the suspension)
- Toggle for the ASA System
- Volume controls (can set to 0 to disable volume)
First release. Simple ability to raise or lower your vehicle's suspension.
Controls - all modifiable in the ini!
-For Keyboards-
Raise Suspension: T
Lower Suspension: Y
Reset Suspension: U
-For Gamepads-
Xbox-type controllers
Raise Suspension: X + Leftstick UP
Lower Suspension: X + Leftstick DOWN
Reset Suspension: X + A
Playstation-type controllers
Raise Suspension: Square (☐) + Leftstick UP
Lower Suspension: Square (☐) + Leftstick DOWN
Reset Suspension: Square (☐) + Cross (X)
Notes about the real/on-the-fly suspension system
- Raising the suspension too high can make your vehicle roll over easily when turning at certain speeds. (obviously)
- You cannot edit the suspension of motorcycles (I did not thoroughly test this, however). Use the old/fake suspension system if you'd like to do that.
- Lowering the suspension too low will make the wheels act weirdly, and you will not be able to drive. Use the Reset Suspension key/button to return your suspension to normal.
- Lowering the suspension to a certain point will make the vehicle very drifty. Not sure how to fix this, if it's even something that needs fixing.
- Since this on-the-fly method involves editing the handling.meta in the game memory, all vehicles that are the same model will have the suspension changes. Ex: if you raise the suspension of a banshee, all banshees will have the same suspension.
Notes about the older/"fake" suspension system
-The vehicle becomes easier to turn the lower the suspension is, but the ASA system will adjust your suspension to the default handling the longer you turn.
-Some vehicles become really "drifty" (see the video) when you raise the suspension too much, some just outright slide. The ASA system will make it much easier to turn when you use the handbrake.
-Motorcycles can do it too! A low suspension makes turning really quick (unrealistically), but raising the suspension can work pretty well. Of course, the ASA system will adjust your suspension accordingly.
Planned Features
- Add seperate suspension adjustments for the front and back of a vehicle. Suggested by @imyluck Update: Might be possible; anyone know how it is done in the handling.meta file?
- Add scraping sounds and sparks when suspension is really low. Suggested by @friedSOY This is possible, but I am having a hard time locating the in-game sound and fx for this. If anyone has any info on this, it would be greatly appreciated.
Place the "scripts" folder in your GTA V directory where GTA5.exe is located
Credits to ElyZium for the idea, for beta testing, and for finding the first custom sound! Of course, credits to whoever recorded/created the sound.
Credits to Remix for certain suggestions and testing as well.
For the on-the-fly suspension editing method, credits go to ikt for his Real Time Handling Editor source (and for personally helping me!) and to leftas for his vehicle struct research!
Перше завантаження: 18 Липня 2016
Останнє оновлення 20 Грудня 2017
Last Downloaded: 8 hours ago
365 коментаря
More mods by stillhere:
Should work with update 1.0.678.1, and up to the Doomsday update. Might work all the way back to update 1.0.335.2, but it is not tested.
**You MUST run GTA 5 as Administrator or you will get an error!**
What is it?
This is now real on-the-fly suspension editing with custom sounds for lowering and raising your suspension. Keyboard and Gamepad support. Customize-able keys and buttons.
Check out @ikt's VStancer for in-game Camber, Track width, and Suspension height editing, complete with multiple preset saving and loading :)
The pre-2.0 versions of this script are like @ImNotMental's VStanced, @ikt's Slam It mod , and the feature of the same name in MAFINS' Menyoo mod menu. You can still use this method if you want by disabling the new system in the ini settings.
- Choose between on-the-fly handling.meta suspension editing or fake/simulated suspension editing.
Note: You can actually set your default suspension with the real/handling.meta suspension editing, then modify it further with the simulated suspension editing.
- Choose 2 custom sounds that will play when you raise or lower your vehicle's suspension.
- Customize the volume of each sound to your liking, or disable it completely.
- Customize the speed at which your suspension changes. A lower number makes for a smoother animation.
- Enable or disable my Automated Suspension Adjustment system (only for the simulated suspension editing). This system changes your suspension as you drive, depending on conditions such as steering angle and speed.
- Updated for Doomsday update (1.0.1290.1). Should work with future updates as well thanks to Unknown_Modder, CamxxCore, sollaholla, and ikt.
- Updated for Smugger's Run (1.0.1180.2) update
-Fix for Steam users.
-Updated for Gunrunning (1.0.1103.2) update
-Added following options in ini settings:
> Disable Vehicle Ducking when changing suspension
> Fix vehicle mechanically when suspension is changed
> Clean vehicle when suspension is changed
> Show Suspension Value Subtitle (useful if you want to know the exact fSuspensionRaise value for the handling.meta)
-Quick fix for those that have the newest build of SHVDotNet.
-Updated for the Import/Export update (1.0.994.2)
-Some background stuff
Real on-the-fly suspension editing! Credits go to ikt for his Real Time Handling Editor source (and for personally helping me!) and to leftas for his vehicle struct research!
You can still use the pre-2.0 suspension editing along with the ASA System if you so please.
Of course, all the custom sounds will work with this "new" system.
Lastly, the mod should now work properly with PCs that are using a non-QWERTY keyboard layout.
Couple issues with on-the-fly suspension editing:
- In order to force the game to recognize the suspension changes, I had to use the Repair Vehicle function. So your vehicle will be repaired whenever you edit the suspension.
- The above mentioned workaround may still not work if your vehicle has never touched anything with its body. If you hear the suspension sound but don't see any changes, try driving into a wall or another vehicle.
- When there is a new GTA 5 update, this mod will most likely have to be updated to work with that new update. However, you will still be able to use the old suspension system.
- See the Notes section below for more info.
-Added ability to have a separate sound for raising the suspension.
-Added more settings in the ini file pertaining to sound and volume control.
-Fixed bug where after using a vehicle with a modified suspension, the next vehicle you use will suddenly have the same suspension value.
-Added a couple of different sounds you can choose from. You can easily try each of them by writing the filename into the appropriate ini setting.
-Please delete the AirbagSuspension.mp3 file if you were using an older version of this mod, it was moved into the AirbagSuspensionSounds folder and renamed.
Added different speeds for raising and lowering suspension.
Added setting to enable/disable Engine Power and Torque multipliers, in case you want to use a trainer to do that.
Your last vehicle will keep the suspension changes even when outside the vehicle.
Fixed a bug where the hiss sound will continue to play if you exit the vehicle while lowering the suspension.
Added air/hiss sound when lowering suspension.
Added Automated Suspension Adjustment system:
- When suspension is lowered, suspension will slowly increase depending on your steering angle, which will temporarily give you normal handling and allow you to drift normally.
- When suspension is lowered, suspension will slowly increase when beginning a motorcycle wheelie.
- When suspension is raised, suspension will slowly decrease to normal temporarily when you start moving (between 1 - 10 KMPH or 0.6 to 6 MPH, approximately), in order to give a slight speed boost.
- When suspension is raised, suspension will slowly decrease to normal temporarily when handbraking.
- When suspension is raised, suspension will slowly decrease to normal temporarily when doing sharp turns on a motorcycle.
Added ini setting for the following:
- Suspension Control Speed (How fast your suspension changes)
- Max and Min offsets for Suspension (how high/low you can set the suspension)
- Toggle for the ASA System
- Volume controls (can set to 0 to disable volume)
First release. Simple ability to raise or lower your vehicle's suspension.
Controls - all modifiable in the ini!
-For Keyboards-
Raise Suspension: T
Lower Suspension: Y
Reset Suspension: U
-For Gamepads-
Xbox-type controllers
Raise Suspension: X + Leftstick UP
Lower Suspension: X + Leftstick DOWN
Reset Suspension: X + A
Playstation-type controllers
Raise Suspension: Square (☐) + Leftstick UP
Lower Suspension: Square (☐) + Leftstick DOWN
Reset Suspension: Square (☐) + Cross (X)
Notes about the real/on-the-fly suspension system
- Raising the suspension too high can make your vehicle roll over easily when turning at certain speeds. (obviously)
- You cannot edit the suspension of motorcycles (I did not thoroughly test this, however). Use the old/fake suspension system if you'd like to do that.
- Lowering the suspension too low will make the wheels act weirdly, and you will not be able to drive. Use the Reset Suspension key/button to return your suspension to normal.
- Lowering the suspension to a certain point will make the vehicle very drifty. Not sure how to fix this, if it's even something that needs fixing.
- Since this on-the-fly method involves editing the handling.meta in the game memory, all vehicles that are the same model will have the suspension changes. Ex: if you raise the suspension of a banshee, all banshees will have the same suspension.
Notes about the older/"fake" suspension system
-The vehicle becomes easier to turn the lower the suspension is, but the ASA system will adjust your suspension to the default handling the longer you turn.
-Some vehicles become really "drifty" (see the video) when you raise the suspension too much, some just outright slide. The ASA system will make it much easier to turn when you use the handbrake.
-Motorcycles can do it too! A low suspension makes turning really quick (unrealistically), but raising the suspension can work pretty well. Of course, the ASA system will adjust your suspension accordingly.
Planned Features
- Add seperate suspension adjustments for the front and back of a vehicle. Suggested by @imyluck Update: Might be possible; anyone know how it is done in the handling.meta file?
- Add scraping sounds and sparks when suspension is really low. Suggested by @friedSOY This is possible, but I am having a hard time locating the in-game sound and fx for this. If anyone has any info on this, it would be greatly appreciated.
Place the "scripts" folder in your GTA V directory where GTA5.exe is located
Credits to ElyZium for the idea, for beta testing, and for finding the first custom sound! Of course, credits to whoever recorded/created the sound.
Credits to Remix for certain suggestions and testing as well.
For the on-the-fly suspension editing method, credits go to ikt for his Real Time Handling Editor source (and for personally helping me!) and to leftas for his vehicle struct research!
**You MUST run GTA 5 as Administrator or you will get an error!**
What is it?
This is now real on-the-fly suspension editing with custom sounds for lowering and raising your suspension. Keyboard and Gamepad support. Customize-able keys and buttons.
Check out @ikt's VStancer for in-game Camber, Track width, and Suspension height editing, complete with multiple preset saving and loading :)
The pre-2.0 versions of this script are like @ImNotMental's VStanced, @ikt's Slam It mod , and the feature of the same name in MAFINS' Menyoo mod menu. You can still use this method if you want by disabling the new system in the ini settings.
- Choose between on-the-fly handling.meta suspension editing or fake/simulated suspension editing.
Note: You can actually set your default suspension with the real/handling.meta suspension editing, then modify it further with the simulated suspension editing.
- Choose 2 custom sounds that will play when you raise or lower your vehicle's suspension.
- Customize the volume of each sound to your liking, or disable it completely.
- Customize the speed at which your suspension changes. A lower number makes for a smoother animation.
- Enable or disable my Automated Suspension Adjustment system (only for the simulated suspension editing). This system changes your suspension as you drive, depending on conditions such as steering angle and speed.
- Updated for Doomsday update (1.0.1290.1). Should work with future updates as well thanks to Unknown_Modder, CamxxCore, sollaholla, and ikt.
- Updated for Smugger's Run (1.0.1180.2) update
-Fix for Steam users.
-Updated for Gunrunning (1.0.1103.2) update
-Added following options in ini settings:
> Disable Vehicle Ducking when changing suspension
> Fix vehicle mechanically when suspension is changed
> Clean vehicle when suspension is changed
> Show Suspension Value Subtitle (useful if you want to know the exact fSuspensionRaise value for the handling.meta)
-Quick fix for those that have the newest build of SHVDotNet.
-Updated for the Import/Export update (1.0.994.2)
-Some background stuff
Real on-the-fly suspension editing! Credits go to ikt for his Real Time Handling Editor source (and for personally helping me!) and to leftas for his vehicle struct research!
You can still use the pre-2.0 suspension editing along with the ASA System if you so please.
Of course, all the custom sounds will work with this "new" system.
Lastly, the mod should now work properly with PCs that are using a non-QWERTY keyboard layout.
Couple issues with on-the-fly suspension editing:
- In order to force the game to recognize the suspension changes, I had to use the Repair Vehicle function. So your vehicle will be repaired whenever you edit the suspension.
- The above mentioned workaround may still not work if your vehicle has never touched anything with its body. If you hear the suspension sound but don't see any changes, try driving into a wall or another vehicle.
- When there is a new GTA 5 update, this mod will most likely have to be updated to work with that new update. However, you will still be able to use the old suspension system.
- See the Notes section below for more info.
-Added ability to have a separate sound for raising the suspension.
-Added more settings in the ini file pertaining to sound and volume control.
-Fixed bug where after using a vehicle with a modified suspension, the next vehicle you use will suddenly have the same suspension value.
-Added a couple of different sounds you can choose from. You can easily try each of them by writing the filename into the appropriate ini setting.
-Please delete the AirbagSuspension.mp3 file if you were using an older version of this mod, it was moved into the AirbagSuspensionSounds folder and renamed.
Added different speeds for raising and lowering suspension.
Added setting to enable/disable Engine Power and Torque multipliers, in case you want to use a trainer to do that.
Your last vehicle will keep the suspension changes even when outside the vehicle.
Fixed a bug where the hiss sound will continue to play if you exit the vehicle while lowering the suspension.
Added air/hiss sound when lowering suspension.
Added Automated Suspension Adjustment system:
- When suspension is lowered, suspension will slowly increase depending on your steering angle, which will temporarily give you normal handling and allow you to drift normally.
- When suspension is lowered, suspension will slowly increase when beginning a motorcycle wheelie.
- When suspension is raised, suspension will slowly decrease to normal temporarily when you start moving (between 1 - 10 KMPH or 0.6 to 6 MPH, approximately), in order to give a slight speed boost.
- When suspension is raised, suspension will slowly decrease to normal temporarily when handbraking.
- When suspension is raised, suspension will slowly decrease to normal temporarily when doing sharp turns on a motorcycle.
Added ini setting for the following:
- Suspension Control Speed (How fast your suspension changes)
- Max and Min offsets for Suspension (how high/low you can set the suspension)
- Toggle for the ASA System
- Volume controls (can set to 0 to disable volume)
First release. Simple ability to raise or lower your vehicle's suspension.
Controls - all modifiable in the ini!
-For Keyboards-
Raise Suspension: T
Lower Suspension: Y
Reset Suspension: U
-For Gamepads-
Xbox-type controllers
Raise Suspension: X + Leftstick UP
Lower Suspension: X + Leftstick DOWN
Reset Suspension: X + A
Playstation-type controllers
Raise Suspension: Square (☐) + Leftstick UP
Lower Suspension: Square (☐) + Leftstick DOWN
Reset Suspension: Square (☐) + Cross (X)
Notes about the real/on-the-fly suspension system
- Raising the suspension too high can make your vehicle roll over easily when turning at certain speeds. (obviously)
- You cannot edit the suspension of motorcycles (I did not thoroughly test this, however). Use the old/fake suspension system if you'd like to do that.
- Lowering the suspension too low will make the wheels act weirdly, and you will not be able to drive. Use the Reset Suspension key/button to return your suspension to normal.
- Lowering the suspension to a certain point will make the vehicle very drifty. Not sure how to fix this, if it's even something that needs fixing.
- Since this on-the-fly method involves editing the handling.meta in the game memory, all vehicles that are the same model will have the suspension changes. Ex: if you raise the suspension of a banshee, all banshees will have the same suspension.
Notes about the older/"fake" suspension system
-The vehicle becomes easier to turn the lower the suspension is, but the ASA system will adjust your suspension to the default handling the longer you turn.
-Some vehicles become really "drifty" (see the video) when you raise the suspension too much, some just outright slide. The ASA system will make it much easier to turn when you use the handbrake.
-Motorcycles can do it too! A low suspension makes turning really quick (unrealistically), but raising the suspension can work pretty well. Of course, the ASA system will adjust your suspension accordingly.
Planned Features
- Add seperate suspension adjustments for the front and back of a vehicle. Suggested by @imyluck Update: Might be possible; anyone know how it is done in the handling.meta file?
- Add scraping sounds and sparks when suspension is really low. Suggested by @friedSOY This is possible, but I am having a hard time locating the in-game sound and fx for this. If anyone has any info on this, it would be greatly appreciated.
Place the "scripts" folder in your GTA V directory where GTA5.exe is located
Credits to ElyZium for the idea, for beta testing, and for finding the first custom sound! Of course, credits to whoever recorded/created the sound.
Credits to Remix for certain suggestions and testing as well.
For the on-the-fly suspension editing method, credits go to ikt for his Real Time Handling Editor source (and for personally helping me!) and to leftas for his vehicle struct research!
Перше завантаження: 18 Липня 2016
Останнє оновлення 20 Грудня 2017
Last Downloaded: 8 hours ago
Attention: if you have any issues, then please make sure you have the latest ScripthookVDotNet!!
I car lowers, but doesn't come up or reset, any fixes?
@nathan110494 and @Nesbitt123 are right it works thanks nathan!!
@Nesbitt123 and @timelessaru Thanks guys glad all works
It stopped working for me n says not found car jumps all over screen guy can u plz fix I live for this mod!!
Hey its a cool mod but the suspension does not change unless i drive it wont change if im sitting still how can i fix this if anyone knows? , Thanks in advance
Really a shame that this mod is not up to date
este mod no funciona bien, actualización urgente
not work in v1.50 :(
it says that its missing some .mp3 files. can you pls fix tht or is there like a download link for them?
help me! When I finished installing the air suspension mod, I couldn't get the car down when I was standing still, but I had to run to lower it! please show me how to fix it
It doesn't work properly... AT ALL, what a shame, it had potential
Hi please answer me
I have 2 questions
1 : why the chamber doesnt enable when I raise the suspention
2 : why it doesnt work in vehicle stopped it just works in vehicle moving
please answer me
mod not working
Um problema que aconteceu, é que ele muda a suspensão não apenas do meu veiculo, mas sim de todos no jogo do mesmo modelo
description says i need to run the game with admin on but if i do that my game just doesnt start so broken mod?
Does anyone know if this still works?
Does it work in FiveM?
still one of my fav mods
Hi this work doesn't work at all, any solutions?
if your mod can't runing go the AirbagSuspension.ini -> Use Real Suspension Modification = ture
change the false