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@sàtán Ey man! You should check how map editor works. Check it here https://www.gta5-mods.com/scripts/map-editor
@COD MASTER 123 This https://www.gta5-mods.com/misc/the-pinnacle-of-sweetfx-enb
@WestsideOutlaw187 Yeah bro, i saw the wiki. And all that set form The Families. I should change the main wall to The Families. But in some way Grove Street Families still alive. Lamar says that the OGs of this set eventually moved on with their lives and abandoned the gangbanging lifestyle, and you can find OGs in Chamberlains, so, how can lamar know this? Because they live in The Families territory, their allies. Other thing is you can find a graffiti that says Grovesforlife around Chamberlains, Grove Street Families are the legendary set of The Families, and i guess this is the result of San Andreas's History. But yeah, you are right. I will change it in next update. Thx for the warning!
@Tachorkaar I really like the pieces that you have shown me. Exactly that's the kind of comments that I hope when something does not like someone. I would love to use the pieces to your liking. But these examples would not be good for certain reasons I will try to explain. I need photos of a size equal to or greater than 1024x. Best if they are 2048x. They must be on a flat wall, avoid brick walls for example. The second picture for some reason I get blurred. The best option would be the last. But even so the photo is too small to use in HD. I tried to find pieces of the old school, more simple, but the content is scarce. I will first focus on completing all areas, then go piece by piece trying to improve everything. If you find optimal examples feel free to share. Thank you very much for the support brother.
@juh00 You've distorted everything from the beginning. When I said that about the neighborhood, it was a joke, as saying that I'm creating this neighborhood is unique and you can not compare it to another neighborhood. But forget it friend, I think you feel that people attack you every time they speak to you. Actually I've just said that if you do not like this mod use the original graffiti. I will try to improve everything, I am the first who wants to look good. I accept whatever you want to talk, and I accept your vote. I have no problem man. If you can not stand a response of several phrases is your problem. Peace
@juh00 Brother. You're the only one who looks angry and can not stand a response. In no time I tried to pimp me when I tell you that you have not been in a similar neighborhood. Are you the one that you have taken that as an offense. I'm not a child, I'm probably older than you. Your comment is just an opinion. It is not a criticism. Maybe you and I see things differently. But your comment only incite discontent. It is destructive, makes you lose the inspiration. You reject all my work in a sentence simply because your eyes do not like. A criticism can be destructive or constructive. What is the kind of criticism you've used you? And what kind of answers you expect to receive? You know you can use other words if your real intention is to help. But I have seen your comments and is not the first time that you live this situation. So if I were you, I would try to better focus my criticism.
@kinghippo2000 Ey bro. I tested the AI in all the ways you can imagine. The AI of Map Editor dont work as same the AI in the game. Ped without guns will run scared if they see a gun or someone shoots. Even if you are using a mod for AI triggers . I have a edited relationship.dat with ballas hating me. But they AI in map editor ignore this edited file. So i think we have to wait for a update in Map editor. Then we can use this maps for fights and more. Now i recommend use it just for ambient.
@juh00 I can not stand criticism? Or are you the one who can not? I just said I think you've never set foot in a similar neighborhood. The graffiti does not understand states, regions, districts or borders. Could make a more ugly neighborhood with more amateur painted. But I have only 2 or 3 walls to do it. I prefer to choose something flashy.I stand constructive criticism that contribute something, teach something. Your comment does nothing, it's just disgusting.
@juh00 I guess you've never been in a similar neighborhood. It is clear that they are not entirely realistic. And my intention was to make it cleaner, not dirtier. My intention with this mod is to mark gang territories with their colors. My work is not based on any actual neighborhood. So you can always play with the original or do it yourself to your liking.
@ChOcOsKiZo I added a changelog. Sry i forgot that. I cant show all graffitis and all zones because i can upload only 15 screenshots, so i recommend take ride around the neighborhood and see the changes.