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    For some reason my game crashes when it starts up and says that the creation of Shadow\ShadowMain.png failed or something. If anyone could help or give me advice, I'd be so thankful.
    I've used this mod and script hook v for a long time and in the past few months it started to glitch out like this.

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    @TristanCardoso you need to make your own scripts folder and put the files in it. It might not work though seeming that i've done everything 5 times now and it still doesn't work.

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    @Official Rhyz to be honest, I just saw u needed the menyoo download link. So far, this mod hasn't even worked for me. Idk why you keep falling through the map though.

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    @jedijosh920 I have made sure at least 4 times that everything is downloaded that is required. I am using the sitting mod, the menyoo, North Yankton mod, the car dealer mod, the bodyguard menu, map editor, and the Native Trainer. I have tried everything and nothing has worked. Help would be appreciated.

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    @jedijosh920 Is this the right one?

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    <?xml version="1.0"?>


    <assembly> "ScriptHookVDotNet" </assembly>


    -<member name="M:GTA.Tasks.PlayAnimation(System.String,System.String,System.Single,System.Single,System.Int32,GTA.AnimationFlags,System.Single)">

    <summary> Starts an animation. </summary>

    <param name="animDict">The animation dictionary.</param>

    <param name="animName">The animation name.</param>

    <param name="blendInSpeed">Normal value is 8.0.</param>

    <param name="blendOutSpeed">Normal value is -8.0.</param>

    <param name="duration">The duration.</param>

    <param name="flags">The animation flags.</param>

    <param name="playbackRate">Values are between 0.0 and 1.0.</param>


    -<member name="M:GTA.Tasks.PlayAnimation(System.String,System.String,System.Single,System.Int32,GTA.AnimationFlags)">

    <summary> Starts an animation. </summary>

    <param name="animDict">The animation dictionary.</param>

    <param name="animName">The animation name.</param>

    <param name="blendInSpeed">Normal value is 8.0.</param>

    <param name="duration">The duration.</param>

    <param name="flags">The animation flags.</param>


    -<member name="M:GTA.Tasks.PlayAnimation(System.String,System.String)">

    <summary> Starts an animation. </summary>

    <param name="animDict">The animation dictionary.</param>

    <param name="animName">The animation name.</param>


    <member name="P:GTA.Viewport.MenuTransitions"> Have more than one menu on the screen on the time and transition them </member>

    <member name="P:GTA.Viewport.MenuOffset"> The offset each menu in the stack has from the one above it </member>

    <member name="P:GTA.Viewport.MenuPosition"> The top left position of the current menu </member>

    <member name="M:GTA.Viewport.HandleChangeItem(System.Boolean)"> Handles when the user presses the left or right button (e.g. numpad-4 and 6) </member>

    <member name="M:GTA.Viewport.HandleChangeSelection(System.Boolean)"> Handles when the user presses the up or down button (e.g. numpad-2 and 8) </member>

    <member name="M:GTA.Viewport.HandleBack"> Handles when the back button is pressed (e.g. numpad-0) </member>

    <member name="M:GTA.Viewport.HandleActivate"> Handles when the activate button is pressed (e.g. numpad-5) </member>

    <member name="M:GTA.Viewport.Draw"> Draw all the active UIs </member>

    <member name="M:GTA.Viewport.CloseAllMenus"> Closes all menus </member>

    <member name="M:GTA.Viewport.PopMenu"> Remove the active menu from the stack, this will focus the next highest menu </member>

    <member name="M:GTA.Viewport.RemoveMenu(GTA.MenuBase)"> Remove a menu from the stack of active menus </member>

    <member name="M:GTA.Viewport.AddMenu(GTA.MenuBase)"> Add a menu to the stack of active menus and set it as focused </member>

    <member name="P:GTA.IMenuItem.Parent"> Set by the parent so that the MenuItem can access its properties </member>

    <member name="M:GTA.IMenuItem.SetOriginAndSize(System.Drawing.Point,System.Drawing.Size)"> Called by the Menu to set this item's origin </member>

    <member name="M:GTA.IMenuItem.Change(System.Boolean)"> Called when the user changes this item (e.g. numpad-4 and 6) </member>

    <member name="M:GTA.IMenuItem.Activate"> Called when the user activates this item (e.g. numpad-5) </member>

    <member name="M:GTA.IMenuItem.Deselect"> Called when the user deselects this item </member>

    <member name="M:GTA.IMenuItem.Select"> Called when the user selects this item </member>

    <member name="M:GTA.IMenuItem.Draw(System.Drawing.Size)"> Called when the MenuItem should be drawn with an offset </member>

    <member name="M:GTA.IMenuItem.Draw"> Called when the MenuItem should be drawn </member>

    <member name="P:GTA.MessageBox.OkCancel"> Use Ok and Cancel instead of Yes and No </member>

    <member name="M:GTA.MenuBase.OnChangeItem(System.Boolean)"> Called when the user changes the current element (i.e. left and right) </member>

    <member name="M:GTA.MenuBase.OnChangeSelection(System.Boolean)"> Called when the user changes what element is selected (i.e. up and down) </member>

    <member name="M:GTA.MenuBase.OnActivate"> Called when the user hits the activate button </member>

    <member name="M:GTA.MenuBase.OnClose"> Called when the user hits the back button or unfocuses from this menu </member>

    <member name="M:GTA.MenuBase.OnOpen"> Called when the menu gains or regains focus </member>

    <member name="M:GTA.MenuBase.Initialize"> Called when the menu is first added to the Viewport </member>

    <member name="M:GTA.MenuBase.Draw(System.Drawing.Size)"> Draws the menu with an offset </member>

    <member name="M:GTA.MenuBase.Draw"> Draws the menu </member>

    -<member name="M:GTA.Math.Matrix.Equals(GTA.Math.Matrix@,GTA.Math.Matrix@)">

    <summary> Determines whether the specified object instances are considered equal. </summary>

    <param name="value1"/>

    <param name="value2"/>


    <paramref name="value1"/>
    is the same instance as
    <paramref name="value2"/>
    or if both are
    references or if
    ; otherwise,


    -<member name="M:GTA.Math.Matrix.Equals(GTA.Math.Matrix)">

    <summary> Returns a value that indicates whether the current instance is equal to the specified object. </summary>

    <param name="other">Object to make the comparison with.</param>


    if the current instance is equal to the specified object;


    -<member name="M:GTA.Math.Matrix.Equals(System.Object)">

    <summary> Returns a value that indicates whether the current instance is equal to a specified object. </summary>

    <param name="obj">Object to make the comparison with.</param>


    if the current instance is equal to the specified object;


    -<member name="M:GTA.Math.Matrix.GetHashCode">

    <summary> Returns the hash code for this instance. </summary>

    <returns>A 32-bit signed integer hash code.</returns>


    -<member name="M:GTA.Math.Matrix.ToString">

    <summary> Converts the value of the object to its equivalent string representation. </summary>

    <returns>The string representation of the value of this instance.</returns>


    -<member name="M:GTA.Math.Matrix.ToArray">

    <summary> Converts the matrix to an array of floats. </summary>


    -<member name="M:GTA.Math.Matrix.op_Inequality(GTA.Math.Matrix,GTA.Math.Matrix)">

    <summary> Tests for inequality between two objects. </summary>

    <param name="left">The first value to compare.</param>

    <param name="right">The second value to compare.</param>


    <paramref name="left"/>
    has a different value than
    <paramref name="right"/>
    ; otherwise,


    -<member name="M:GTA.Math.Matrix.op_Equality(GTA.Math.Matrix,GTA.Math.Matrix)">

    <summary> Tests for equality between two objects. </summary>

    <param name="left">The first value to compare.</param>

    <param name="right">The second value to compare.</param>


    <paramref name="left"/>
    has the same value as
    <paramref name="right"/>
    ; otherwise,


    -<member name="M:GTA.Math.Matrix.op_Multiply(System.Single,GTA.Math.Matrix)">

    <summary> Scales a matrix by a given value. </summary>

    <param name="right">The matrix to scale.</param>

    <param name="left">The amount by which to scale.</param>

    <returns>The scaled matrix.</returns>


    -<member name="M:GTA.Math.Matrix.op_Multiply(GTA.Math.Matrix,System.Single)">

    <summary> Scales a matrix by a given value. </summary>

    <param name="left">The matrix to scale.</param>

    <param name="right">The amount by which to scale.</param>

    <returns>The scaled matrix.</returns>


    -<member name="M:GTA.Math.Matrix.op_Multiply(GTA.Math.Matrix,GTA.Math.Matrix)">

    <summary> Multiplies two matricies. </summary>

    <param name="left">The first matrix to multiply.</param>

    <param name="right">The second matrix to multiply.</param>

    <returns>The product of the two matricies.</returns>


    -<member name="M:GTA.Math.Matrix.op_Division(GTA.Math.Matrix,System.Single)">

    <summary> Scales a matrix by a given value. </summary>

    <param name="left">The matrix to scale.</param>

    <param name="right">The amount by which to scale.</param>

    <returns>The scaled matrix.</returns>


    -<member name="M:GTA.Math.Matrix.op_Division(GTA.Math.Matrix,GTA.Math.Matrix)">

    <summary> Divides two matricies. </summary>

    <param name="left">The first matrix to divide.</param>

    <param name="right">The second matrix to divide.</param>

    <returns>The quotient of the two matricies.</returns>


    -<member name="M:GTA.Math.Matrix.op_Subtraction(GTA.Math.Matrix,GTA.Math.Matrix)">

    <summary> Subtracts two matricies. </summary>

    <param name="left">The first matrix to subtract.</param>

    <param name="right">The second matrix to subtract.</param>

    <returns>The difference between the two matricies.</returns>


    -<member name="M:GTA.Math.Matrix.op_Addition(GTA.Math.Matrix,GTA.Math.Matrix)">

    <summary> Adds two matricies. </summary>

    <param name="left">The first matrix to add.</param>

    <param name="right">The second matrix to add.</param>

    <returns>The sum of the two matricies.</returns>


    -<member name="M:GTA.Math.Matrix.op_UnaryNegation(GTA.Math.Matrix)">

    <summary> Negates a matrix. </summary>

    <param name="matrix">The matrix to negate.</param>

    <returns>The negated matrix.</returns>


    -<member name="M:GTA.Math.Matrix.Transpose(GTA.Math.Matrix)">

    <summary> Calculates the transpose of the specified matrix. </summary>

    <param name="matrix">The matrix whose transpose is to be calculated.</param>

    <returns>The transpose of the specified matrix.</returns>


    -<member name="M:GTA.Math.Matrix.Translation(GTA.Math.Vector3)">

    <summary> Creates a translation matrix using the specified offsets. </summary>

    <param name="amount">The offset for all three coordinate planes.</param>

    <returns>The created translation matrix.</returns>


    -<member name="M:GTA.Math.Matrix.Translation(System.Single,System.Single,System.Single)">

    <summary> Creates a translation matrix using the specified offsets. </summary>

    <param name="x">X-coordinate offset.</param>

    <param name="y">Y-coordinate offset.</param>

    <param name="z">Z-coordinate offset.</param>

    <returns>The created translation matrix.</returns>


    -<member name="M:GTA.Math.Matrix.Scaling(GTA.Math.Vector3)">

    <summary> Creates a matrix that scales along the x-axis, y-axis, and y-axis. </summary>

    <param name="scale">Scaling factor for all three axes.</param>

    <returns>The created scaling matrix.</returns>


    -<member name="M:GTA.Math.Matrix.Scaling(System.Single,System.Single,System.Single)">

    <summary> Creates a matrix that scales along the x-axis, y-axis, and y-axis. </summary>

    <param name="x">Scaling factor that is applied along the x-axis.</param>

    <param name="y">Scaling factor that is applied along the y-axis.</param>

    <param name="z">Scaling factor that is applied along the z-axis.</param>

    <returns>The created scaling matrix.</returns>


    -<member name="M:GTA.Math.Matrix.RotationYawPitchRoll(System.Single,System.Single,System.Single)">

    <summary> Creates a rotation matrix with a specified yaw, pitch, and roll. </summary>

    <param name="yaw">Yaw around the y-axis, in radians.</param>

    <param name="pitch">Pitch around the x-axis, in radians.</param>

    <param name="roll">Roll around the z-axis, in radians.</param>

    <returns>The created rotation matrix.</returns>


    -<member name="M:GTA.Math.Matrix.RotationQuaternion(GTA.Math.Quaternion)">

    <summary> Creates a rotation matrix from a quaternion. </summary>

    <param name="rotation">The quaternion to use to build the matrix.</param>

    <returns>The created rotation matrix.</returns>


    -<member name="M:GTA.Math.Matrix.RotationAxis(GTA.Math.Vector3,System.Single)">

    <summary> Creates a matrix that rotates around an arbitary axis. </summary>

    <param name="axis">The axis around which to rotate.</param>

    <param name="angle">Angle of rotation in radians. Angles are measured clockwise when looking along the rotation axis toward the origin.</param>

    <returns>The created rotation matrix.</returns>


    -<member name="M:GTA.Math.Matrix.RotationZ(System.Single)">

    <summary> Creates a matrix that rotates around the z-axis. </summary>

    <param name="angle">Angle of rotation in radians. Angles are measured clockwise when looking along the rotation axis toward the origin.</param>

    <returns>The created rotation matrix.</returns>


    -<member name="M:GTA.Math.Matrix.RotationY(System.Single)">

    <summary> Creates a matrix that rotates around the y-axis. </summary>

    <param name="angle">Angle of rotation in radians. Angles are measured clockwise when looking along the rotation axis toward the origin.</param>

    <returns>The created rotation matrix.</returns>


    -<member name="M:GTA.Math.Matrix.RotationX(System.Single)">

    <summary> Creates a matrix that rotates around the x-axis. </summary>

    <param name="angle">Angle of rotation in radians. Angles are measured clockwise when looking along the rotation axis toward the origin.</param>

    <returns>The created rotation matrix.</returns>


    -<member name="M:GTA.Math.Matrix.Lerp(GTA.Math.Matrix,GTA.Math.Matrix,System.Single)">

    <summary> Performs a linear interpolation between two matricies. </summary>

    <param name="start">Start matrix.</param>

    <param name="end">End matrix.</param>

    -<param name="amount">
    Value between 0 and 1 indicating the weight of
    <paramref name="end"/>

    <returns>The linear interpolation of the two matrices.</returns>

    This method performs the linear interpolation based on the following formula.
    <code>start + (end - start) * amount</code>
    <paramref name="amount"/>
    a value of 0 will cause
    <paramref name="start"/>
    to be returned; a value of 1 will cause
    <paramref name="end"/>
    to be returned.


    -<member name="M:GTA.Math.Matrix.Inverse(GTA.Math.Matrix)">

    <summary> Calculates the inverse of a matrix if it exists. </summary>

    <returns>The inverse of the matrix.</returns>


    -<member name="M:GTA.Math.Matrix.Negate(GTA.Math.Matrix)">

    <summary> Negates a matrix. </summary>

    <param name="matrix">The matrix to be negated.</param>

    <returns>The negated matrix.</returns>


    -<member name="M:GTA.Math.Matrix.Divide(GTA.Math.Matrix,System.Single)">

    <summary> Scales a matrix by the given value. </summary>

    <param name="left">The matrix to scale.</param>

    <param name="right">The amount by which to scale.</param>

    <returns>The scaled matrix.</returns>


    -<member name="M:GTA.Math.Matrix.Divide(GTA.Math.Matrix,GTA.Math.Matrix)">

    <summary> Determines the quotient of two matrices. </summary>

    <param name="left">The first matrix to divide.</param>

    <param name="right">The second matrix to divide.</param>

    <returns>The quotient of the two matrices.</returns>


    -<member name="M:GTA.Math.Matrix.Multiply(GTA.Math.Matrix,System.Single)">

    <summary> Scales a matrix by the given value. </summary>

    <param name="left">The matrix to scale.</param>

    <param name="right">The amount by which to scale.</param>

    <returns>The scaled matrix.</returns>


    -<member name="M:GTA.Math.Matrix.Multiply(GTA.Math.Matrix,GTA.Math.Matrix)">

    <summary> Determines the product of two matrices. </summary>

    <param name="left">The first matrix to multiply.</param>

    <param name="right">The second matrix to multiply.</param>

    <returns>The product of the two matrices.</returns>


    -<member name="M:GTA.Math.Matrix.Subtract(GTA.Math.Matrix,GTA.Math.Matrix)">

    <summary> Determines the difference between two matrices. </summary>

    <param name="left">The first matrix to subtract.</param>

    <param name="right">The second matrix to subtract.</param>

    <returns>The difference between the two matrices.</returns>


    -<member name="M:GTA.Math.Matrix.Add(GTA.Math.Matrix,GTA.Math.Matrix)">

    <summary> Determines the sum of two matrices. </summary>

    <param name="left">The first matrix to add.</param>

    <param name="right">The second matrix to add.</param>

    <returns>The sum of the two matrices.</returns>


    -<member name="M:GTA.Math.Matrix.Inverse">

    <summary> Calculates the inverse of the matrix if it exists. </summary>


    -<member name="M:GTA.Math.Matrix.Determinant">

    <summary> Calculates the determinant of the matrix. </summary>

    <returns>The determinant of the matrix.</returns>


    -<member name="M:GTA.Math.Matrix.FromArray(System.Single[])">

    <summary> Converts the matrix to an array of floats. </summary>


    -<member name="P:GTA.Math.Matrix.HasInverse">

    <summary> Gets a value indicating whether this instance has an inverse matrix. </summary>


    -<member name="P:GTA.Math.Matrix.IsIdentity">

    <summary> Gets a value indicating whether this instance is an identity matrix. </summary>


    -<member name="P:GTA.Math.Matrix.Identity">

    Gets a
    <see cref="T:GTA.Math.Matrix"/>
    that represents an identity matrix.


    -<member name="F:GTA.Math.Matrix.M44">

    <summary> Gets or sets the element of the matrix that exists in the fourth row and fourth column. </summary>


    -<member name="F:GTA.Math.Matrix.M43">

    <summary> Gets or sets the element of the matrix that exists in the fourth row and third column. </summary>


    -<member name="F:GTA.Math.Matrix.M42">

    <summary> Gets or sets the element of the matrix that exists in the fourth row and second column. </summary>


    -<member name="F:GTA.Math.Matrix.M41">

    <summary> Gets or sets the element of the matrix that exists in the fourth row and first column. </summary>


    -<member name="F:GTA.Math.Matrix.M34">

    <summary> Gets or sets the element of the matrix that exists in the third row and fourth column. </summary>


    -<member name="F:GTA.Math.Matrix.M33">

    <summary> Gets or sets the element of the matrix that exists in the third row and third column. </summary>


    -<member name="F:GTA.Math.Matrix.M32">

    <summary> Gets or sets the element of the matrix that exists in the third row and second column. </summary>


    -<member name="F:GTA.Math.Matrix.M31">

    <summary> Gets or sets the element of the matrix that exists in the third row and first column. </summary>


    -<member name="F:GTA.Math.Matrix.M24">

    <summary> Gets or sets the element of the matrix that exists in the second row and fourth column. </summary>


    -<member name="F:GTA.Math.Matrix.M23">

    <summary> Gets or sets the element of the matrix that exists in the second row and third column. </summary>


    -<member name="F:GTA.Math.Matrix.M22">

    <summary> Gets or sets the element of the matrix that exists in the second row and second column. </summary>


    -<member name="F:GTA.Math.Matrix.M21">

    <summary> Gets or sets the element of the matrix that exists in the second row and first column. </summary>


    -<member name="F:GTA.Math.Matrix.M14">

    <summary> Gets or sets the element of the matrix that exists in the first row and fourth column. </summary>


    -<member name="F:GTA.Math.Matrix.M13">

    <summary> Gets or sets the element of the matrix that exists in the first row and third column. </summary>


    -<member name="F:GTA.Math.Matrix.M12">

    <summary> Gets or sets the element of the matrix that exists in the first row and second column. </summary>


    -<member name="F:GTA.Math.Matrix.M11">

    <summary> Gets or sets the element of the matrix that exists in the first row and first column. </summary>


    -<member name="T:GTA.Math.Matrix">

    <summary> Defines a 4x4 matrix. </summary>



    -<member name="P:GTA.World.WeatherTransition">

    <summary>Gets or sets the current transition ratio of the weather.</summary>

    <value>A Single representing the current time ratio between 0.0f and 1.0f.</value>


    -<member name="M:GTA.Math.Vector2.Equals(GTA.Math.Vector2@,GTA.Math.Vector2@)">

    <summary> Determines whether the specified object instances are considered equal. </summary>

    <param name="value1">The first value to compare.</param>

    <param name="value2">The second value to compare.</param>


    <paramref name="value1"/>
    is the same instance as
    <paramref name="value2"/>
    or if both are
    references or if
    ; otherwise,


    -<member name="M:GTA.Math.Vector2.Equals(GTA.Math.Vector2)">

    <summary> Returns a value that indicates whether the current instance is equal to the specified object. </summary>

    <param name="other">Object to make the comparison with.</param>


    if the current instance is equal to the specified object;


    -<member name="M:GTA.Math.Vector2.Equals(System.Object)">

    <summary> Returns a value that indicates whether the current instance is equal to a specified object. </summary>

    <param name="obj">Object to make the comparison with.</param>


    if the current instance is equal to the specified object;


    -<member name="M:GTA.Math.Vector2.GetHashCode">

    <summary> Returns the hash code for this instance. </summary>

    <returns>A 32-bit signed integer hash code.</returns>


    -<member name="M:GTA.Math.Vector2.ToString">

    <summary> Converts the value of the object to its equivalent string representation. </summary>

    <returns>The string representation of the value of this instance.</returns>


    -<member name="M:GTA.Math.Vector2.op_Inequality(GTA.Math.Vector2,GTA.Math.Vector2)">

    <summary> Tests for inequality between two objects. </summary>

    <param name="left">The first value to compare.</param>

    <param name="right">The second value to compare.</param>


    <paramref name="left"/>
    has a different value than
    <paramref name="right"/>
    ; otherwise,


    -<member name="M:GTA.Math.Vector2.op_Equality(GTA.Math.Vector2,GTA.Math.Vector2)">

    <summary> Tests for equality between two objects. </summary>

    <param name="left">The first value to compare.</param>

    <param name="right">The second value to compare.</param>


    <paramref name="left"/>
    has the same value as
    <paramref name="right"/>
    ; otherwise,


    -<member name="M:GTA.Math.Vector2.op_Division(GTA.Math.Vector2,System.Single)">

    <summary> Scales a vector by the given value. </summary>

    <param name="vector">The vector to scale.</param>

    <param name="scale">The amount by which to scale the vector.</param>

    <returns>The scaled vector.</returns>


    -<member name="M:GTA.Math.Vector2.op_Multiply(System.Single,GTA.Math.Vector2)">

    <summary> Scales a vector by the given value. </summary>

    <param name="vector">The vector to scale.</param>

    <param name="scale">The amount by which to scale the vector.</param>

    <returns>The scaled vector.</returns>


    -<member name="M:GTA.Math.Vector2.op_Multiply(GTA.Math.Vector2,System.Single)">

    <summary> Scales a vector by the given value. </summary>

    <param name="vector">The vector to scale.</param>

    <param name="scale">The amount by which to scale the vector.</param>

    <returns>The scaled vector.</returns>


    -<member name="M:GTA.Math.Vector2.op_UnaryNegation(GTA.Math.Vector2)">

    <summary> Reverses the direction of a given vector. </summary>

    <param name="value">The vector to negate.</param>

    <returns>A vector facing in the opposite direction.</returns>


    -<member name="M:GTA.Math.Vector2.op_Subtraction(GTA.Math.Vector2,GTA.Math.Vector2)">

    <summary> Subtracts two vectors. </summary>

    <param name="left">The first vector to subtract.</param>

    <param name="right">The second vector to subtract.</param>

    <returns>The difference of the two vectors.</returns>


    -<member name="M:GTA.Math.Vector2.op_Addition(GTA.Math.Vector2,GTA.Math.Vector2)">

    <summary> Adds two vectors. </summary>

    <param name="left">The first vector to add.</param>

    <param name="right">The second vector to add.</param>

    <returns>The sum of the two vectors.</returns>


    -<member name="M:GTA.Math.Vector2.Maximize(GTA.Math.Vector2,GTA.Math.Vector2)">

    <summary> Returns a vector containing the largest components of the specified vectors. </summary>

    <param name="value1">The first source vector.</param>

    <param name="value2">The second source vector.</param>

    <returns>A vector containing the largest components of the source vectors.</returns>


    -<member name="M:GTA.Math.Vector2.Minimize(GTA.Math.Vector2,GTA.Math.Vector2)">

    <summary> Returns a vector containing the smallest components of the specified vectors. </summary>

    <param name="value1">The first source vector.</param>

    <param name="value2">The second source vector.</param>

    <returns>A vector containing the smallest components of the source vectors.</returns>


    -<member name="M:GTA.Math.Vector2.Reflect(GTA.Math.Vector2,GTA.Math.Vector2)">

    <summary> Returns the reflection of a vector off a surface that has the specified normal. </summary>

    <param name="vector">The source vector.</param>

    <param name="normal">Normal of the surface.</param>

    <returns>The reflected vector.</returns>

    <remarks>Reflect only gives the direction of a reflection off a surface, it does not determine whether the original vector was close enough to the surface to hit it.</remarks>


    -<member name="M:GTA.Math.Vector2.Dot(GTA.Math.Vector2,GTA.Math.Vector2)">

    <summary> Calculates the dot product of two vectors. </summary>

    <param name="left">First source vector.</param>

    <param name="right">Second source vector.</param>

    <returns>The dot product of the two vectors.</returns>


    -<member name="M:GTA.Math.Vector2.Normalize(GTA.Math.Vector2)">

    <summary> Converts the vector into a unit vector. </summary>

    <param name="vector">The vector to normalize.</param>

    <returns>The normalized vector.</returns>


    -<member name="M:GTA.Math.Vector2.Lerp(GTA.Math.Vector2,GTA.Math.Vector2,System.Single)">

    <summary> Performs a linear interpolation between two vectors. </summary>

    <param name="start">Start vector.</param>

    <param name="end">End vector.</param>

    -<param name="amount">
    Value between 0 and 1 indicating the weight of
    <paramref name="end"/>

    <returns>The linear interpolation of the two vectors.</returns>

    This method performs the linear interpolation based on the following formula.
    <code>start + (end - start) * amount</code>
    <paramref name="amount"/>
    a value of 0 will cause
    <paramref name="start"/>
    to be returned; a value of 1 will cause
    <paramref name="end"/>
    to be returned.


    -<member name="M:GTA.Math.Vector2.Clamp(GTA.Math.Vector2,GTA.Math.Vector2,GTA.Math.Vector2)">

    <summary> Restricts a value to be within a specified range. </summary>

    <param name="value">The value to clamp.</param>

    <param name="min">The minimum value.</param>

    <param name="max">The maximum value.</param>

    <returns>The clamped value.</returns>


    -<member name="M:GTA.Math.Vector2.Negate(GTA.Math.Vector2)">

    <summary> Reverses the direction of a given vector. </summary>

    <param name="value">The vector to negate.</param>

    <returns>A vector facing in the opposite direction.</returns>


    -<member name="M:GTA.Math.Vector2.Divide(GTA.Math.Vector2,System.Single)">

    <summary> Scales a vector by the given value. </summary>

    <param name="value">The vector to scale.</param>

    <param name="scale">The amount by which to scale the vector.</param>

    <returns>The scaled vector.</returns>


    -<member name="M:GTA.Math.Vector2.Modulate(GTA.Math.Vector2,GTA.Math.Vector2)">

    <summary> Modulates a vector by another. </summary>

    <param name="left">The first vector to modulate.</param>

    <param name="right">The second vector to modulate.</param>

    <returns>The modulated vector.</returns>


    -<member name="M:GTA.Math.Vector2.Multiply(GTA.Math.Vector2,System.Single)">

    <summary> Scales a vector by the given value. </summary>

    <param name="value">The vector to scale.</param>

    <param name="scale">The amount by which to scale the vector.</param>

    <returns>The scaled vector.</returns>


    -<member name="M:GTA.Math.Vector2.Subtract(GTA.Math.Vector2,GTA.Math.Vector2)">

    <summary> Subtracts two vectors. </summary>

    <param name="left">The first vector to subtract.</param>

    <param name="right">The second vector to subtract.</param>

    <returns>The difference of the two vectors.</returns>


    -<member name="M:GTA.Math.Vector2.Add(GTA.Math.Vector2,GTA.Math.Vector2)">

    <summary> Adds two vectors. </summary>

    <param name="left">The first vector to add.</param>

    <param name="right">The second vector to add.</param>

    <returns>The sum of the two vectors.</returns>


    -<member name="M:GTA.Math.Vector2.RandomXY">

    <summary> Returns a new normalized vector with random X and Y components. </summary>


    -<member name="M:GTA.Math.Vector2.ToHeading">

    <summary> Converts a vector to a heading. </summary>


    -<member name="M:GTA.Math.Vector2.SignedAngle(GTA.Math.Vector2,GTA.Math.Vector2)">

    <summary> Returns the signed angle in degrees between from and to. </summary>


    -<member name="M:GTA.Math.Vector2.Angle(GTA.Math.Vector2,GTA.Math.Vector2)">

    <summary> Returns the angle in degrees between from and to. The angle returned is always the acute angle between the two vectors. </summary>


    -<member name="M:GTA.Math.Vector2.DistanceSquared(GTA.Math.Vector2,GTA.Math.Vector2)">

    <summary> Calculates the squared distance between two vectors. </summary>

    <param name="position2">The first vector to calculate the squared distance to the second vector.</param>

    <param name="position2">The second vector to calculate the squared distance to the first vector.</param>

    <returns>The squared distance between the two vectors.</returns>


    -<member name="M:GTA.Math.Vector2.Distance(GTA.Math.Vector2,GTA.Math.Vector2)">

    <summary> Calculates the distance between two vectors. </summary>

    <param name="position2">The first vector to calculate the distance to the second vector.</param>

    <param name="position2">The second vector to calculate the distance to the first vector.</param>

    <returns>The distance between the two vectors.</returns>


    -<member name="M:GTA.Math.Vector2.DistanceToSquared(GTA.Math.Vector2)">

    <summary> Calculates the squared distance between two vectors. </summary>

    <param name="position">The second vector to calculate the squared distance to.</param>

    <returns>The squared distance to the other vector.</returns>


    -<member name="M:GTA.Math.Vector2.DistanceTo(GTA.Math.Vector2)">

    <summary> Calculates the distance between two vectors. </summary>

    <param name="position">The second vector to calculate the distance to.</param>

    <returns>The distance to the other vector.</returns>


    -<member name="M:GTA.Math.Vector2.Normalize">

    <summary> Converts the vector into a unit vector. </summary>


    -<member name="M:GTA.Math.Vector2.LengthSquared">

    <summary> Calculates the squared length of the vector. </summary>

    <returns>The squared length of the vector.</returns>


    -<member name="M:GTA.Math.Vector2.Length">

    <summary> Calculates the length of the vector. </summary>

    <returns>The length of the vector.</returns>


    -<member name="P:GTA.Math.Vector2.Left">

    <summary> Returns the left vector. (-1,0) </summary>


    -<member name="P:GTA.Math.Vector2.Right">

    <summary> Returns the right vector. (1,0) </summary>


    -<member name="P:GTA.Math.Vector2.Down">

    <summary> Returns the down vector. (0,-1) </summary>


    -<member name="P:GTA.Math.Vector2.Up">

    <summary> Returns the up vector. (0,1) </summary>


    -<member name="P:GTA.Math.Vector2.Zero">

    <summary> Returns a null vector. (0,0) </summary>


    -<member name="P:GTA.Math.Vector2.Normalized">

    <summary> Returns this vector with a magnitude of 1. </summary>


    -<member name="M:GTA.Math.Vector2.#ctor(System.Single,System.Single)">

    Initializes a new instance of the
    <see cref="T:GTA.Math.Vector2"/>

    <param name="x">Initial value for the X component of the vector.</param>

    <param name="y">Initial value for the Y component of the vector.</param>


    -<member name="F:GTA.Math.Vector2.Y">

    <summary> Gets or sets the Y component of the vector. </summary>

    <value>The Y component of the vector.</value>


    -<member name="F:GTA.Math.Vector2.X">

    <summary> Gets or sets the X component of the vector. </summary>

    <value>The X component of the vector.</value>


    -<member name="P:GTA.Vehicle.SteeringScale">

    <summary> Gets or sets the steering scale. </summary>

    <value>A single between -1.0f (fully right) and 1.0f (fully left).</value>


    -<member name="P:GTA.Vehicle.SteeringAngle">

    <summary> Gets or sets the steering angle. </summary>

    <value>The steering angle in degrees.</value>


    -<member name="P:GTA.Vehicle.WheelSpeed">

    <summary> Gets the speed the wheels are spinning at </summary>

    <value>The speed in meters per second</value>


    -<member name="F:GTA.VehicleLockStatus.CanBeBrokenInto">

    <summary>Can be broken into the car. if the glass is broken, the value will be set to 1.</summary>


    -<member name="F:GTA.VehicleLockStatus.StickPlayerInside">

    <summary>Doesn't allow players to exit the vehicle with the exit vehicle key.</summary>


    -<member name="M:GTA.Math.Quaternion.Equals(GTA.Math.Quaternion@,GTA.Math.Quaternion@)">

    <summary> Determines whether the specified object instances are considered equal. </summary>

    <param name="value1"/>

    <param name="value2"/>


    <paramref name="value1"/>
    is the same instance as
    <paramref name="value2"/>
    or if both are
    references or if
    ; otherwise,


    -<member name="M:GTA.Math.Quaternion.Equals(GTA.Math.Quaternion)">

    <summary> Returns a value that indicates whether the current instance is equal to the specified object. </summary>

    <param name="other">Object to make the comparison with.</param>


    if the current instance is equal to the specified object;


    -<member name="M:GTA.Math.Quaternion.Equals(System.Object)">

    <summary> Returns a value that indicates whether the current instance is equal to a specified object. </summary>

    <param name="obj">Object to make the comparison with.</param>


    if the current instance is equal to the specified object;


    -<member name="M:GTA.Math.Quaternion.GetHashCode">

    <summary> Returns the hash code for this instance. </summary>

    <returns>A 32-bit signed integer hash code.</returns>


    -<member name="M:GTA.Math.Quaternion.ToString">

    <summary> Converts the value of the object to its equivalent string representation. </summary>

    <returns>The string representation of the value of this instance.</returns>


    -<member name="M:GTA.Math.Quaternion.op_Inequality(GTA.Math.Quaternion,GTA.Math.Quaternion)">

    <summary> Tests for inequality between two objects. </summary>

    <param name="left">The first value to compare.</param>

    <param name="right">The second value to compare.</param>


    <paramref name="left"/>
    has a different value than
    <paramref name="right"/>
    ; otherwise,


    -<member name="M:GTA.Math.Quaternion.op_Equality(GTA.Math.Quaternion,GTA.Math.Quaternion)">

    <summary> Tests for equality between two objects. </summary>

    <param name="left">The first value to compare.</param>

    <param name="right">The second value to compare.</param>


    <paramref name="left"/>
    has the same value as
    <paramref name="right"/>
    ; otherwise,


    -<member name="M:GTA.Math.Quaternion.op_UnaryNegation(GTA.Math.Quaternion)">

    <summary> Reverses the direction of a given quaternion. </summary>

    <param name="quaternion">The quaternion to negate.</param>

    <returns>A quaternion facing in the opposite direction.</returns>


    -<member name="M:GTA.Math.Quaternion.op_Subtraction(GTA.Math.Quaternion,GTA.Math.Quaternion)">

    <summary> Subtracts two quaternions. </summary>

    <param name="left">The first quaternion to subtract.</param>

    <param name="right">The second quaternion to subtract.</param>

    <returns>The difference of the two quaternions.</returns>


    -<member name="M:GTA.Math.Quaternion.op_Addition(GTA.Math.Quaternion,GTA.Math.Quaternion)">

    <summary> Adds two quaternions. </summary>

    <param name="left">The first quaternion to add.</param>

    <param name="right">The second quaternion to add.</param>

    <returns>The sum of the two quaternions.</returns>


    -<member name="M:GTA.Math.Quaternion.op_Division(GTA.Math.Quaternion,System.Single)">

    <summary> Divides a quaternion by another. </summary>

    <param name="left">The first quaternion to divide.</param>

    <param name="right">The second quaternion to divide.</param>

    <returns>The divided quaternion.</returns>


    -<member name="M:GTA.Math.Quaternion.op_Multiply(System.Single,GTA.Math.Quaternion)">

    <summary> Scales a quaternion by the given value. </summary>

    <param name="quaternion">The quaternion to scale.</param>

    <param name="scale">The amount by which to scale the quaternion.</param>

    <returns>The scaled quaternion.</returns>


    -<member name="M:GTA.Math.Quaternion.op_Multiply(GTA.Math.Quaternion,System.Single)">

    <summary> Scales a quaternion by the given value. </summary>

    <param name="quaternion">The quaternion to scale.</param>

    <param name="scale">The amount by which to scale the quaternion.</param>

    <returns>The scaled quaternion.</returns>


    -<member name="M:GTA.Math.Quaternion.op_Multiply(GTA.Math.Quaternion,GTA.Math.Vector3)">

    <summary> Rotates the point with rotation. </summary>

    <param name="rotation">The quaternion to rotate the vector.</param>

    <param name="point">The vector to be rotated.</param>

    <returns>The vector after rotation.</returns>


    -<member name="M:GTA.Math.Quaternion.op_Multiply(GTA.Math.Quaternion,GTA.Math.Quaternion)">

    <summary> Multiplies a quaternion by another. </summary>

    <param name="left">The first quaternion to multiply.</param>

    <param name="right">The second quaternion to multiply.</param>

    <returns>The multiplied quaternion.</returns>


    -<member name="M:GTA.Math.Quaternion.Subtract(GTA.Math.Quaternion,GTA.Math.Quaternion)">

    <summary> Subtracts two quaternions. </summary>

    <param name="left">The first quaternion to subtract.</param>

    <param name="right">The second quaternion to subtract.</param>

    <returns>The difference of the two quaternions.</returns>


    -<member name="M:GTA.Math.Quaternion.RotationYawPitchRoll(System.Single,System.Single,System.Single)">

    <summary> Creates a quaternion given a yaw, pitch, and roll value. </summary>

    <param name="yaw">The yaw of rotation.</param>

    <param name="pitch">The pitch of rotation.</param>

    <param name="roll">The roll of rotation.</param>

    <returns>The newly created quaternion.</returns>


    -<member name="M:GTA.Math.Quaternion.RotationMatrix(GTA.Math.Matrix)">

    <summary> Creates a quaternion given a rotation matrix. </summary>

    <param name="matrix">The rotation matrix.</param>

    <returns>The newly created quaternion.</returns>


    -<member name="M:GTA.Math.Quaternion.RotationAxis(GTA.Math.Vector3,System.Single)">

    <summary> Creates a quaternion given a rotation and an axis. </summary>

    <param name="axis">The axis of rotation.</param>

    <param name="angle">The angle of rotation.</param>

    <returns>The newly created quaternion.</returns>


    -<member name="M:GTA.Math.Quaternion.Euler(GTA.Math.Vector3)">

    <summary> Returns a rotation that rotates z degrees around the z axis, x degrees around the x axis, and y degrees around the y axis (in that order). </summary>

    <param name="euler">Euler angles in degrees.</param>


    -<member name="M:GTA.Math.Quaternion.Euler(System.Single,System.Single,System.Single)">

    <summary> eturns a rotation that rotates z degrees around the z axis, x degrees around the x axis, and y degrees around the y axis (in that order). </summary>

    <param name="x">X degrees.</param>

    <param name="y">Y degrees.</param>

    <param name="z">Z degrees.</param>


    -<member name="M:GTA.Math.Quaternion.AngleBetween(GTA.Math.Quaternion,GTA.Math.Quaternion)">

    <summary> Returns the angle in degrees between two rotations a and b. </summary>

    <param name="a">The first quaternion to calculate angle.</param>

    <param name="b">The second quaternion to calculate angle.</param>

    <returns>The angle in degrees between two rotations a and b.</returns>


    -<member name="M:GTA.Math.Quaternion.Normalize(GTA.Math.Quaternion)">

    <summary> Converts the quaternion into a unit quaternion. </summary>

    <param name="quaternion">The quaternion to normalize.</param>

    <returns>The normalized quaternion.</returns>


    -<member name="M:GTA.Math.Quaternion.Negate(GTA.Math.Quaternion)">

    <summary> Reverses the direction of a given quaternion. </summary>

    <param name="quaternion">The quaternion to negate.</param>

    <returns>A quaternion facing in the opposite direction.</returns>


    -<member name="M:GTA.Math.Quaternion.Multiply(GTA.Math.Quaternion,System.Single)">

    <summary> Scales a quaternion by the given value. </summary>

    <param name="quaternion">The quaternion to scale.</param>

    <param name="scale">The amount by which to scale the quaternion.</param>

    <returns>The scaled quaternion.</returns>


    -<member name="M:GTA.Math.Quaternion.Multiply(GTA.Math.Quaternion,GTA.Math.Quaternion)">

    <summary> Modulates a quaternion by another. </summary>

    <param name="left">The first quaternion to modulate.</param>

    <param name="right">The second quaternion to modulate.</param>

    <returns>The modulated quaternion.</returns>


    -<member name="M:GTA.Math.Quaternion.RotateTowards(GTA.Math.Quaternion,GTA.Math.Quaternion,System.Single)">

    <summary> Rotates a rotation from towards to. </summary>

    <param name="from">From Quaternion.</param>

    <param name="to">To Quaternion.</param>

    <param name="maxDegreesDelta"/>


    -<member name="M:GTA.Math.Quaternion.FromToRotation(GTA.Math.Vector3,GTA.Math.Vector3)">

    <summary> Creates a rotation which rotates from fromDirection to toDirection. </summary>


    -<member name="M:GTA.Math.Quaternion.SlerpUnclamped(GTA.Math.Quaternion,GTA.Math.Quaternion,System.Single)">

    <summary> Interpolates between two quaternions, using spherical linear interpolation. The parameter /t/ is not clamped. </summary>

    <param name="a"/>

    <param name="b"/>

    <param name="t"/>


    -<member name="M:GTA.Math.Quaternion.Slerp(GTA.Math.Quaternion,GTA.Math.Quaternion,System.Single)">

    <summary> Interpolates between two quaternions, using spherical linear interpolation.. </summary>

    <param name="start">Start quaternion.</param>

    <param name="end">End quaternion.</param>

    -<param name="amount">
    Value between 0 and 1 indicating the weight of
    <paramref name="end"/>

    <returns>The spherical linear interpolation of the two quaternions.</returns>


    -<member name="M:GTA.Math.Quaternion.Lerp(GTA.Math.Quaternion,GTA.Math.Quaternion,System.Single)">

    <summary> Performs a linear interpolation between two quaternion. </summary>

    <param name="start">Start quaternion.</param>

    <param name="end">End quaternion.</param>

    -<param name="amount">
    Value between 0 and 1 indicating the weight of
    <paramref name="end"/>

    <returns>The linear interpolation of the two quaternions.</returns>

    This method performs the linear interpolation based on the following formula.
    <code>start + (end - start) * amount</code>
    <paramref name="amount"/>
    a value of 0 will cause
    <paramref name="start"/>
    to be returned; a value of 1 will cause
    <paramref name="end"/>
    to be returned.


    -<member name="M:GTA.Math.Quaternion.Invert(GTA.Math.Quaternion)">

    <summary> Conjugates and renormalizes the quaternion. </summary>

    <param name="quaternion">The quaternion to conjugate and renormalize.</param>

    <returns>The conjugated and renormalized quaternion.</returns>


    -<member name="M:GTA.Math.Quaternion.Dot(GTA.Math.Quaternion,GTA.Math.Quaternion)">

    <summary> Calculates the dot product of two quaternions. </summary>

    <param name="left">First source quaternion.</param>

    <param name="right">Second source quaternion.</param>

    <returns>The dot product of the two quaternions.</returns>


    -<member name="M:GTA.Math.Quaternion.Divide(GTA.Math.Quaternion,GTA.Math.Quaternion)">

    <summary> Divides a quaternion by another. </summary>

    <param name="left">The first quaternion to divide.</param>

    <param name="right">The second quaternion to divide.</param>

    <returns>The divided quaternion.</returns>


    -<member name="M:GTA.Math.Quaternion.Add(GTA.Math.Quaternion,GTA.Math.Quaternion)">

    <summary> Adds two quaternions. </summary>

    <param name="left">The first quaternion to add.</param>

    <param name="right">The second quaternion to add.</param>

    <returns>The sum of the two quaternions.</returns>


    -<member name="M:GTA.Math.Quaternion.Invert">

    <summary> Conjugates and renormalizes the quaternion. </summary>


    -<member name="M:GTA.Math.Quaternion.Conjugate">

    <summary> Conjugates the quaternion. </summary>


    -<member name="M:GTA.Math.Quaternion.Normalize">

    <summary> Converts the quaternion into a unit quaternion. </summary>


    -<member name="M:GTA.Math.Quaternion.LengthSquared">

    <summary> Calculates the squared length of the quaternion. </summary>

    <returns>The squared length of the quaternion.</returns>


    -<member name="M:GTA.Math.Quaternion.Length">

    <summary> Calculates the length of the quaternion. </summary>

    <returns>The length of the quaternion.</returns>


    -<member name="P:GTA.Math.Quaternion.Angle">

    <summary> Gets the angle of the quaternion. </summary>


    -<member name="P:GTA.Math.Quaternion.Axis">

    <summary> Gets the axis components of the quaternion. </summary>


    -<member name="P:GTA.Math.Quaternion.Identity">

    Gets the identity
    <see cref="T:GTA.Math.Quaternion"/>
    (0, 0, 0, 1).


    -<member name="M:GTA.Math.Quaternion.#ctor(GTA.Math.Vector3,System.Single)">

    Initializes a new instance of the
    <see cref="T:GTA.Math.Quaternion"/>

    -<param name="value">
    <see cref="T:GTA.Math.Vector3"/>
    containing the first three values of the quaternion.

    <param name="w">The W component of the quaternion.</param>


    -<member name="M:GTA.Math.Quaternion.#ctor(System.Single,System.Single,System.Single,System.Single)">

    Initializes a new instance of the
    <see cref="T:GTA.Math.Quaternion"/>

    <param name="x">The X component of the quaternion.</param>

    <param name="y">The Y component of the quaternion.</param>

    <param name="z">The Z component of the quaternion.</param>

    <param name="w">The W component of the quaternion.</param>


    -<member name="F:GTA.Math.Quaternion.W">

    <summary> Gets or sets the W component of the quaternion. </summary>

    <value>The W component of the quaternion.</value>


    -<member name="F:GTA.Math.Quaternion.Z">

    <summary> Gets or sets the Z component of the quaternion. </summary>

    <value>The Z component of the quaternion.</value>


    -<member name="F:GTA.Math.Quaternion.Y">

    <summary> Gets or sets the Y component of the quaternion. </summary>

    <value>The Y component of the quaternion.</value>


    -<member name="F:GTA.Math.Quaternion.X">

    <summary> Gets or sets the X component of the quaternion. </summary>

    <value>The X component of the quaternion.</value>


    -<member name="M:GTA.Math.Vector3.Equals(GTA.Math.Vector3@,GTA.Math.Vector3@)">

    <summary> Determines whether the specified object instances are considered equal. </summary>

    <param name="value1">The first value to compare.</param>

    <param name="value2">The second value to compare.</param>


    <paramref name="value1"/>
    is the same instance as
    <paramref name="value2"/>
    or if both are
    references or if
    ; otherwise,


    -<member name="M:GTA.Math.Vector3.Equals(GTA.Math.Vector3)">

    <summary> Returns a value that indicates whether the current instance is equal to the specified object. </summary>

    <param name="other">Object to make the comparison with.</param>


    if the current instance is equal to the specified object;


    -<member name="M:GTA.Math.Vector3.Equals(System.Object)">

    <summary> Returns a value that indicates whether the current instance is equal to a specified object. </summary>

    <param name="obj">Object to make the comparison with.</param>


    if the current instance is equal to the specified object;


    -<member name="M:GTA.Math.Vector3.GetHashCode">

    <summary> Returns the hash code for this instance. </summary>

    <returns>A 32-bit signed integer hash code.</returns>


    -<member name="M:GTA.Math.Vector3.ToString">

    <summary> Converts the value of the object to its equivalent string representation. </summary>

    <returns>The string representation of the value of this instance.</returns>


    -<member name="M:GTA.Math.Vector3.op_Inequality(GTA.Math.Vector3,GTA.Math.Vector3)">

    <summary> Tests for inequality between two objects. </summary>

    <param name="left">The first value to compare.</param>

    <param name="right">The second value to compare.</param>


    <paramref name="left"/>
    has a different value than
    <paramref name="right"/>
    ; otherwise,


    -<member name="M:GTA.Math.Vector3.op_Equality(GTA.Math.Vector3,GTA.Math.Vector3)">

    <summary> Tests for equality between two objects. </summary>

    <param name="left">The first value to compare.</param>

    <param name="right">The second value to compare.</param>


    <paramref name="left"/>
    has the same value as
    <paramref name="right"/>
    ; otherwise,


    -<member name="M:GTA.Math.Vector3.op_Division(GTA.Math.Vector3,System.Single)">

    <summary> Scales a vector by the given value. </summary>

    <param name="vector">The vector to scale.</param>

    <param name="scale">The amount by which to scale the vector.</param>

    <returns>The scaled vector.</returns>


    -<member name="M:GTA.Math.Vector3.op_Multiply(System.Single,GTA.Math.Vector3)">

    <summary> Scales a vector by the given value. </summary>

    <param name="vector">The vector to scale.</param>

    <param name="scale">The amount by which to scale the vector.</param>

    <returns>The scaled vector.</returns>


    -<member name="M:GTA.Math.Vector3.op_Multiply(GTA.Math.Vector3,System.Single)">

    <summary> Scales a vector by the given value. </summary>

    <param name="vector">The vector to scale.</param>

    <param name="scale">The amount by which to scale the vector.</param>

    <returns>The scaled vector.</returns>


    -<member name="M:GTA.Math.Vector3.op_UnaryNegation(GTA.Math.Vector3)">

    <summary> Reverses the direction of a given vector. </summary>

    <param name="value">The vector to negate.</param>

    <returns>A vector facing in the opposite direction.</returns>


    -<member name="M:GTA.Math.Vector3.op_Subtraction(GTA.Math.Vector3,GTA.Math.Vector3)">

    <summary> Subtracts two vectors. </summary>

    <param name="left">The first vector to subtract.</param>

    <param name="right">The second vector to subtract.</param>

    <returns>The difference of the two vectors.</returns>


    -<member name="M:GTA.Math.Vector3.op_Addition(GTA.Math.Vector3,GTA.Math.Vector3)">

    <summary> Adds two vectors. </summary>

    <param name="left">The first vector to add.</param>

    <param name="right">The second vector to add.</param>

    <returns>The sum of the two vectors.</returns>


    -<member name="M:GTA.Math.Vector3.Maximize(GTA.Math.Vector3,GTA.Math.Vector3)">

    <summary> Returns a vector containing the largest components of the specified vectors. </summary>

    <param name="value1">The first source vector.</param>

    <param name="value2">The second source vector.</param>

    <returns>A vector containing the largest components of the source vectors.</returns>


    -<member name="M:GTA.Math.Vector3.Minimize(GTA.Math.Vector3,GTA.Math.Vector3)">

    <summary> Returns a vector containing the smallest components of the specified vectors. </summary>

    <param name="value1">The first source vector.</param>

    <param name="value2">The second source vector.</param>

    <returns>A vector containing the smallest components of the source vectors.</returns>


    -<member name="M:GTA.Math.Vector3.Reflect(GTA.Math.Vector3,GTA.Math.Vector3)">

    <summary> Returns the reflection of a vector off a surface that has the specified normal. </summary>

    <param name="vector">The vector to project onto the plane.</param>

    <param name="normal">Normal of the surface.</param>

    <returns>The reflected vector.</returns>

    <remarks>Reflect only gives the direction of a reflection off a surface, it does not determine whether the original vector was close enough to the surface to hit it.</remarks>


    -<member name="M:GTA.Math.Vector3.ProjectOnPlane(GTA.Math.Vector3,GTA.Math.Vector3)">

    <summary> Projects a vector onto a plane defined by a normal orthogonal to the plane. </summary>

    <param name="vector">The vector to project.</param>

    <param name="planeNormal">Normal of the plane, does not assume it is normalized.</param>

    <returns>The Projection of vector onto plane.</returns>


    -<member name="M:GTA.Math.Vector3.Project(GTA.Math.Vector3,GTA.Math.Vector3)">

    <summary> Projects a vector onto another vector. </summary>

    <param name="vector">The vector to project.</param>

    <param name="onNormal">Vector to project onto, does not assume it is normalized.</param>

    <returns>The projected vector.</returns>


    -<member name="M:GTA.Math.Vector3.Cross(GTA.Math.Vector3,GTA.Math.Vector3)">

    <summary> Calculates the cross product of two vectors. </summary>

    <param name="left">First source vector.</param>

    <param name="right">Second source vector.</param>

    <returns>The cross product of the two vectors.</returns>


    -<member name="M:GTA.Math.Vector3.Dot(GTA.Math.Vector3,GTA.Math.Vector3)">

    <summary> Calculates the dot product of two vectors. </summary>

    <param name="left">First source vector.</param>

    <param name="right">Second source vector.</param>

    <returns>The dot product of the two vectors.</returns>


    -<member name="M:GTA.Math.Vector3.Normalize(GTA.Math.Vector3)">

    <summary> Converts the vector into a unit vector. </summary>

    <param name="vector">The vector to normalize.</param>

    <returns>The normalized vector.</returns>


    -<member name="M:GTA.Math.Vector3.Lerp(GTA.Math.Vector3,GTA.Math.Vector3,System.Single)">

    <summary> Performs a linear interpolation between two vectors. </summary>

    <param name="start">Start vector.</param>

    <param name="end">End vector.</param>

    -<param name="amount">
    Value between 0 and 1 indicating the weight of
    <paramref name="end"/>

    <returns>The linear interpolation of the two vectors.</returns>

    This method performs the linear interpolation based on the following formula.
    <code>start + (end - start) * amount</code>
    <paramref name="amount"/>
    a value of 0 will cause
    <paramref name="start"/>
    to be returned; a value of 1 will cause
    <paramref name="end"/>
    to be returned.


    -<member name="M:GTA.Math.Vector3.Clamp(GTA.Math.Vector3,GTA.Math.Vector3,GTA.Math.Vector3)">

    <summary> Restricts a value to be within a specified range. </summary>

    <param name="value">The value to clamp.</param>

    <param name="min">The minimum value.</param>

    <param name="max">The maximum value.</param>

    <returns>The clamped value.</returns>


    -<member name="M:GTA.Math.Vector3.Negate(GTA.Math.Vector3)">

    <summary> Reverses the direction of a given vector. </summary>

    <param name="value">The vector to negate.</param>

    <returns>A vector facing in the opposite direction.</returns>


    -<member name="M:GTA.Math.Vector3.Divide(GTA.Math.Vector3,System.Single)">

    <summary> Scales a vector by the given value. </summary>

    <param name="value">The vector to scale.</param>

    <param name="scale">The amount by which to scale the vector.</param>

    <returns>The scaled vector.</returns>


    -<member name="M:GTA.Math.Vector3.Modulate(GTA.Math.Vector3,GTA.Math.Vector3)">

    <summary> Modulates a vector by another. </summary>

    <param name="left">The first vector to modulate.</param>

    <param name="right">The second vector to modulate.</param>

    <returns>The modulated vector.</returns>


    -<member name="M:GTA.Math.Vector3.Multiply(GTA.Math.Vector3,System.Single)">

    <summary> Scales a vector by the given value. </summary>

    <param name="value">The vector to scale.</param>

    <param name="scale">The amount by which to scale the vector.</param>

    <returns>The scaled vector.</returns>


    -<member name="M:GTA.Math.Vector3.Subtract(GTA.Math.Vector3,GTA.Math.Vector3)">

    <summary> Subtracts two vectors. </summary>

    <param name="left">The first vector to subtract.</param>

    <param name="right">The second vector to subtract.</param>

    <returns>The difference of the two vectors.</returns>


    -<member name="M:GTA.Math.Vector3.Add(GTA.Math.Vector3,GTA.Math.Vector3)">

    <summary> Adds two vectors. </summary>

    <param name="left">The first vector to add.</param>

    <param name="right">The second vector to add.</param>

    <returns>The sum of the two vectors.</returns>


    -<member name="M:GTA.Math.Vector3.RandomXYZ">

    <summary> Returns a new normalized vector with random X, Y and Z components. </summary>


    -<member name="M:GTA.Math.Vector3.RandomXY">

    <summary> Returns a new normalized vector with random X and Y components. </summary>


    -<member name="M:GTA.Math.Vector3.Around(System.Single)">

    <summary> Creates a random vector inside the circle around this position. </summary>


    -<member name="M:GTA.Math.Vector3.ToHeading">

    <summary> Converts a vector to a heading. </summary>


    -<member name="M:GTA.Math.Vector3.SignedAngle(GTA.Math.Vector3,GTA.Math.Vector3,GTA.Math.Vector3)">

    <summary> Returns the signed angle in degrees between from and to. </summary>


    -<member name="M:GTA.Math.Vector3.Angle(GTA.Math.Vector3,GTA.Math.Vector3)">

    <summary> Returns the angle in degrees between from and to. The angle returned is always the acute angle between the two vectors. </summary>


    -<member name="M:GTA.Math.Vector3.DistanceSquared2D(GTA.Math.Vector3,GTA.Math.Vector3)">

    <summary> Calculates the squared distance between two vectors, ignoring the Z-component. </summary>

    <param name="position2">The first vector to calculate the squared distance to the second vector.</param>

    <param name="position2">The second vector to calculate the squared distance to the first vector.</param>

    <returns>The squared distance between the two vectors.</returns>


    -<member name="M:GTA.Math.Vector3.Distance2D(GTA.Math.Vector3,GTA.Math.Vector3)">

    <summary> Calculates the distance between two vectors, ignoring the Z-component. </summary>

    <param name="position2">The first vector to calculate the distance to the second vector.</param>

    <param name="position2">The second vector to calculate the distance to the first vector.</param>

    <returns>The distance between the two vectors.</returns>


    -<member name="M:GTA.Math.Vector3.DistanceSquared(GTA.Math.Vector3,GTA.Math.Vector3)">

    <summary> Calculates the squared distance between two vectors. </summary>

    <param name="position2">The first vector to calculate the squared distance to the second vector.</param>

    <param name="position2">The second vector to calculate the squared distance to the first vector.</param>

    <returns>The squared distance between the two vectors.</returns>


    -<member name="M:GTA.Math.Vector3.Distance(GTA.Math.Vector3,GTA.Math.Vector3)">

    <summary> Calculates the distance between two vectors. </summary>

    <param name="position2">The first vector to calculate the distance to the second vector.</param>

    <param name="position2">The second vector to calculate the distance to the first vector.</param>

    <returns>The distance between the two vectors.</returns>


    -<member name="M:GTA.Math.Vector3.DistanceToSquared2D(GTA.Math.Vector3)">

    <summary> Calculates the squared distance between two vectors, ignoring the Z-component. </summary>

    <param name="position">The second vector to calculate the squared distance to.</param>

    <returns>The distance to the other vector.</returns>


    -<member name="M:GTA.Math.Vector3.DistanceTo2D(GTA.Math.Vector3)">

    <summary> Calculates the distance between two vectors, ignoring the Z-component. </summary>

    <param name="position">The second vector to calculate the distance to.</param>

    <returns>The distance to the other vector.</returns>


    -<member name="M:GTA.Math.Vector3.DistanceToSquared(GTA.Math.Vector3)">

    <summary> Calculates the squared distance between two vectors. </summary>

    <param name="position">The second vector to calculate the distance to.</param>

    <returns>The distance to the other vector.</returns>


    -<member name="M:GTA.Math.Vector3.DistanceTo(GTA.Math.Vector3)">

    <summary> Calculates the distance between two vectors. </summary>

    <param name="position">The second vector to calculate the distance to.</param>

    <returns>The distance to the other vector.</returns>


    -<member name="M:GTA.Math.Vector3.Normalize">

    <summary> Converts the vector into a unit vector. </summary>


    -<member name="M:GTA.Math.Vector3.LengthSquared">

    <summary> Calculates the squared length of the vector. </summary>

    <returns>The squared length of the vector.</returns>


    -<member name="M:GTA.Math.Vector3.Length">

    <summary> Calculates the length of the vector. </summary>

    <returns>The length of the vector.</returns>


    -<member name="P:GTA.Math.Vector3.RelativeBottom">

    <summary> Returns the relative Bottom vector as used. (0,0,-1) </summary>


    -<member name="P:GTA.Math.Vector3.RelativeTop">

    <summary> Returns the relative Top vector. (0,0,1) </summary>


    -<member name="P:GTA.Math.Vector3.RelativeBack">

    <summary> Returns the relative Back vector. (0,-1,0) </summary>


    -<member name="P:GTA.Math.Vector3.RelativeFront">

    <summary> Returns the relative Front vector. (0,1,0) </summary>


    -<member name="P:GTA.Math.Vector3.RelativeLeft">

    <summary> Returns the relative Left vector. (-1,0,0) </summary>


    -<member name="P:GTA.Math.Vector3.RelativeRight">

    <summary> Returns the relative Right vector. (1,0,0) </summary>


    -<member name="P:GTA.Math.Vector3.WorldWest">

    <summary> Returns the world West vector. (-1,0,0) </summary>


    -<member name="P:GTA.Math.Vector3.WorldEast">

    <summary> Returns the world East vector. (1,0,0) </summary>


    -<member name="P:GTA.Math.Vector3.WorldSouth">

    <summary> Returns the world South vector. (0,-1,0) </summary>


    -<member name="P:GTA.Math.Vector3.WorldNorth">

    <summary> Returns the world North vector. (0,1,0) </summary>


    -<member name="P:GTA.Math.Vector3.WorldDown">

    <summary> Returns the world Down vector. (0,0,-1) </summary>


    -<member name="P:GTA.Math.Vector3.WorldUp">

    <summary> Returns the world Up vector. (0,0,1) </summary>


    -<member name="P:GTA.Math.Vector3.Zero">

    <summary> Returns a null vector. (0,0,0) </summary>


    -<member name="P:GTA.Math.Vector3.Normalized">

    <summary> Returns this vector with a magnitude of 1. </summary>


    -<member name="M:GTA.Math.Vector3.#ctor(System.Single,System.Single,System.Single)">

    Initializes a new instance of the
    <see cref="T:GTA.Math.Vector3"/>

    <param name="x">Initial value for the X component of the vector.</param>

    <param name="y">Initial value for the Y component of the vector.</param>

    <param name="z">Initial value for the Z component of the vector.</param>


    -<member name="F:GTA.Math.Vector3.Z">

    <summary> Gets or sets the Z component of the vector. </summary>

    <value>The Z component of the vector.</value>


    -<member name="F:GTA.Math.Vector3.Y">

    <summary> Gets or sets the Y component of the vector. </summary>

    <value>The Y component of the vector.</value>


    -<member name="F:GTA.Math.Vector3.X">

    <summary> Gets or sets the X component of the vector. </summary>

    <value>The X component of the vector.</value>




    Розгорнути, щоб прочитати повний коментар
  • Default

    @jedijosh920 I re-downloaded the mod, (In 2.2) and the blip won't show up.

  • Default

    @jedijosh920 Also, I was wondering, when will 2.2 come out? I personally think you are a great GTA V modder and I know you pay attention to problems.

  • Default

    @jedijosh920 I watched Typical Gamer play this mod and it seemed fun. The only problem is that the map blip won't show up. I downloaded all the files twice and restarted my PC and nothing changed. Despite there being no map blip, I went to the location and there was nothing there. I did press Insert many times but nothing still happened.