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  • C00740 tonykino

    Doesn't seem to work.

  • C00740 tonykino

    @R_S It would be better if it was customizable, since we could use a suppressor attachment sound.

    01 Вересня 2017
  • C00740 tonykino

    Hey man! I have made a DLC version of this weapon, its works exactly like the pumpshotgun (i dont really know how to make it work like a real SPAS) do you mind if i upload the DLC version and credit you for the model ? no problem if you dont want to.

  • C00740 tonykino

    @Reyser Asi que si tenia que ver con el gameconfig.xml, edite todas las lineas que pude y no hubo forma, les agradezco a vos y a Claude_III, supongo que desde ahora tratare de hacer mis propios DLC de armas (para uso personal).

  • C00740 tonykino

    I dont know if Uraniom still works or no (For me it doesnt) but if you have the .obj and the textures files of the head you could actually use the program to adjust the head to franklin body.

  • C00740 tonykino

    @tom_mods I actually learn how to do it, but it seems an update fucked up the system. You can only use magazines that are already on the game like the Assault rifle for example. If you tried to import a new one and edit the .meta's files the game just doesnt load the magazine or components.

  • C00740 tonykino

    @RenanBSN im a little bit tired of editing files, i cant get this weapon working, but a crappy dlc i make works the only problem, like i say, is the magazine of the weapons and the attachments. Hope that someone that knows a little bit more about this can get an addon weapon working correctly (@metroidguy Si intentas solucionarlo te puedo ayudar un poco, estoy seguro que el problema son los componentes de las armas, por alguna razon crashean el juego o no funcionan bien) . For now im going to edit the DLC weapons i made and put some default weapon magazine on them, since that is the only thing that works.

  • C00740 tonykino

    @MiCaTITAN it has to do with the components (like the bipod and the mags), not the shop_weapon.meta for some reason Rockstar change the way the "components" work in the game and that ended up breaking every "addon" weapon mod. one way to solve this issue is making an addon weapon that uses components for the base weapons (that includes the magazines) forcing the weapon to use an external component makes the game dont load the base components (like the magazines, flashlights, silencers, etc) im currently experimenting with this addon, plus some of other weapons addons and one i make myself which is a SCAR H.
    The AKP addon weapon is using the Assault rifle mag (proably will end up deleting this addon, since the game has an AK pistol already)
    The Flamethrower addon weapon doesnt have a reload animation which means that it doesnt need a "magazine".
    Melee addon weapons work because like the flamethrower they dont use a "magazine"

  • C00740 tonykino

    @tom_mods Could you explain what you did to get a magazine in a weapon working ? because im making a different add on weapon but all i get is a weapon without a magazine, even installing this mod correctly gives me a weapon without a magazine.

  • C00740 tonykino

    @MiCaTITAN How do you get it working ? i cant seem to get working any addon weapon correctly ( Except some of them but "weaponcomponents" isnt working, and i all i have left is a weapon without a clip) R* fucked up the DLC system for addon weapons.