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@trs5405 I'm using the latest version of both correct
@arkieFPS What is your GTA V version?
@Hasi88 You should watch this I'm sure It will help. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C0LlyiOFROY
@arkieFPS I've lowered the quality and the audio quality hopefully YouTube will stay oblivious to the upload.
@Andrew17 https://www.gta5-mods.com/scripts/hot-coffee and I used version 1.3 for this mod and the showcase
@anon23623 I Replaced all the SEX_GENERIC, SEX_GENERIC, SEX_FINISHED SEX_ORAL and SEX_ORAL_FEM Wave sounds On all of the folders that I listed in the files
@Elwero Yeahh it was taken down I'll reupload it
If there are any bugs you would Like to report please do tell.