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    Love your mod, I like it and rate it! But I think I found 2 bugs:

    1 - The .ini file rewrite itself everytime I start the game, and if I put Read Only the mod don't work.

    2 - The other is a bit more complex. I didn't understand enough but I think in the inventory part of the mod it is calling something that should be on the mod, but is on SXNOR (don't know) computer, since this adresses don't exists in my computer and I don't know who SXNOR is.

    Script Hook log:
    [22:12:07] [ERROR] Caught fatal unhandled exception:
    System.ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null.
    Parameter name: array
    at System.Array.ForEach[T](T[] array, Action`1 action)
    at ZombiesMod.Inventory.Craft(InventoryItemBase item, ICraftable craftable) in C:\Users\sxnor\Documents\Visual Studio 2015\Projects\ZombiesMod\ZombiesMod\Serializables.cs:line 709
    at ZombiesMod.Inventory.ProcessKeys() in C:\Users\sxnor\Documents\Visual Studio 2015\Projects\ZombiesMod\ZombiesMod\Serializables.cs:line 646
    at ZombiesMod.PlayerManagement.PlayerInventory.OnTick(Object sender, EventArgs eventArgs) in C:\Users\sxnor\Documents\Visual Studio 2015\Projects\ZombiesMod\ZombiesMod\PlayerManagement\PlayerInventory.cs:line 241
    at GTA.Script.raise_Tick(Object value0, EventArgs value1)
    at GTA.Script.MainLoop()

    There is a 3rd thing, but I don't know if it is a bug. Packages stop spawning after some time, and if I failed the package mission, the packages stays forever in the map.

    Even with the 2nd bugs the mod works fine. When they happen I just restart the game.

    One idea is a D-Pad hotkey to open the inventory interface.

    Thank you for your time and your mod