45 файлів лайкнуто
8 коментарів
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Nice Car, well done, but my game crashes when i try to modify the roof, I'm gonna follow the updates hope u can fix it soon.
gamepad is not working... tried duplicating the "ScriptRDown" for A like u said..nothing...
hey can u make a configurable gamepad key? cannot press dpad down and up together on my generic shi**y controller =(
nice job! can u make a gamepad support for it? thks in advance!
Hey! I have the lastest ScriptHookV, ScriptHookVDotNet and .net, install in the scripts folder... nothing works cannot open the menu "i"
Nice! but can't can back after possess someone, only if I die. and the enter menu button for is space, didin't find the key to change it, but thks for the mod!
great car! but can u make it an add-on? thks
I love this car man! awesome. but can u make it an add-on? thks