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is the mod not working for anyone else from the new update of the game?
i installed nativeui.dll and L still doesn't work.
@5919003198 if you watch the tutorial for addonpeds u can do it that way
@5919003198 yes you can change the skin it's possible
@5919003198 it's not possible. i tried renaming the model of savitar barry. orginally the model name for him is "Barryallen" so that's why the voice lines are the same for each model of barry. so i changed just the model name of savitar barry to "savitarbarry" and when i choose to play as him i just got franklin and franklin's voicelines
@5919003198 I have a theory I'll test it out today and let you know
@Paxton 👍
@gta5testya it's north yankton
@OkaymanXXI ok
@ZRGZanto thank you doge