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  • 793739 toon smx vector plain
    Прикриплений коментар

    Hi Everyone,

    Following the breach on Tuesday, and the sheer volume of comments I have recieved, I once again remind everyone to please join the discord server if you are having issues (many common problems are included in the FAQ there) or if it is a specific bug you have found, please raise it on github so it can be looked at.

    I am still one person continuing the legacy of Menyoo with the gratefully accepted help of a few others. If you are able to contribute, please do so, the code is open source to allow anyone to make their own changes and merge it in.

    As a reminder, the discord can be found here: https://discord.gg/v29AwqAemT
    The Github Issues can be found here: https://github.com/itsjustcurtis/MenyooSP/issues
    And if wanted, the original Mafins repo can be found here: https://github.com/MAFINS/MenyooSP

  • 793739 toon smx vector plain

    @ALEXSYS I have tried to state multiple times that I cannot possibly respond to every comment on here, and certainly not issues. I have provided two methods to report issues, both on the github and on discord. Issues and bugs should be reported on girhub as I can manage development and have a log of all the issues being raised. I cannot drop everything to fix one issue that you have raised in the comments. If you wish to discuss further, please either create a discord account and join the server, or raise an issue on github.

  • 793739 toon smx vector plain

    @iwantgta6 I haven't delisted anything? The original menyoo is still completely under MAFINS control, and is even linked in this very mod description. However going to his github page you will see he recommends coming over to mine. I have worked with MAFINS closely on both his original repo, and with the transfer into 2.0.
    Please try reading before coming in with a scenario you have entirely made up in your head. The crash issues are directly caused by the new gen9 content and there is unfortunately no way around this, hence the large warning on screen when menyoo is first launched.

    Please remember that I am one guy, with the help of a select few others, who are _trying_ to keep menyoo alive, and that is becoming increasingly difficult as the game evolves. Having people like you coming in and telling me that the old one is better (despite being the exact same thing, but with more broken features), is quite discouraging.

  • 793739 toon smx vector plain

    @ALEXSYS Thats what I'm saying, if you think its better then no-one is stopping you from using it. The warning tells you pretty clearly now to read the menyoolog file. In there you will see it suggests deactivating the gen9 dlc, which is unnecessary with the stub patch that Alex106 has done. If you wish to continue this conversation, I'll be waiting in the discord server.

  • 793739 toon smx vector plain

    @ALEXSYS The stub patch works because that fixes the inherent issue that the warning you have ignored when launching menyoo tries to tell you about. You are the one suggesting that the old version is better, not me. If you feel that way then you are welcome to continue using it, however that will not solve the issues you are referring to. The Warning that pops up on screen already tells you this, I shouldn't have to tell you in the comments here because of your refusal to read. Feel free to join the discord server where we can discuss in more detail exactly what you believe the old version does better.

  • 793739 toon smx vector plain

    @ALEXSYS This _is_ Menyoo by Mafins, its just updated to be compatible with the latest version of GTA. Feel free to go back to 1.8.1 from the MAFINS repo, its even linked in my description for you, however all of the problems you have listed, and many more will be present in that version.

    @shake616 Do you seriously think that the malware was intentional? The only reason the old one wasn't attacked was because it redirects here. This is the official continuation of Menyoo with Mafins approval.

  • 793739 toon smx vector plain

    @Zsombor_99 looks like Simple Trainer was also affected. Get rid of any of them if you downloaded the most recent updates and download the latest versions after running a virus scan

  • 793739 toon smx vector plain

    IMPORTANT: A bad actor has uploaded malicious updates to Menyoo, Enhanced Native Trainer, and Simple Trainer. If you have downloaded version 2.1.4 before today, please delete it immediately and replace with 2.1.3 and run a virus scan on your computer. We are unsure of the contents and are working with the 5mods site admins to figure out what happened.

  • 793739 toon smx vector plain

    @Zsombor_99 Thanks for highlighting, there is no 2.1.4 yet, I have no idea what happened there as I haven't uploaded a 2.1.4, as can be seen from the version number in game.

  • 793739 toon smx vector plain

    @Filipm90 Use the pre-release version available on github. Its not yet ready for public release but is good up to version 3442

    04 Березня 2025