
Chiliad Airport (Civilian) 1.3

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-------Chiliad Airport(civilian) 1.3 by PostaL-------

--WARNING high amount of props expect some fps loss.
--For easier reading , read the Readme.txt inside the file.

Leave feedback, report bugs and/or comment and press like if you like.

-----Changelog 1.3-----

-New map versions added: Read map versions part below.
-Ordered/cleaned up map xml code: tweaked vehicle placement, tweaked object placement, grouped identical objects.
-Added some signs.
-Opened the side door at runway, located close to the old viewing platform of Mt. Chiliad. Still static but put at an angle so you can walk through it.
-Ground vehicle added. Nagasaki blazer quad. Location: behind tramway station. Also other vehicles appear, dependent on your map version choice.
-(Dirt) bike challenge: added two steal beams on back of roof tramwaystation. Get to the runway on bike unauthorized.
-Two pot plants added at tourist/yoga glasswalk. Namaste!!
-Added explosive properties to tarmac jetrefuel points. EXPLOSION HAZARD! Shoot it to see what I'm talking about.
-Poor mans base jump ramp removed, installed new one. See next.
-Devin Weston holdings present: New base jump ramp(made out of glass, 2 times length glaswalk tourist platform):


1.Lazlow interviewing Cliff Ryder(real life, see youtube) on his new show: "Fame or Shame: daddy i want to be a basejumper". Cliff, famous for daring stuntjumps, gives some interesting insights in how it is living outside your comfort zone.

Fame or Shame: daddy I want to be a basejumper is sponsored by JUNK Energy drink:

"Don't drink Sprunk when you got JUNK!"

"JUNK Energy Drink - We sponsor more athletes that end up paralyzed or dead than any other energy drink!"

2.Extra us-steel and reinforced concrete to make the ramp twice the length of the original glasswalk without collapsing.
3. Base jump and simultaneous skydive land platform with special white-red aim marker.
4.Open ended platform for group base jumping.
5.Fame or shame candidate preparing for his jump on the ramp. Check him out!! Of course with his favorite JUNK drink.
6.Big rainbow parachute attached to ramp fence, catching some fresh Chiliad air.(minor issue: certain view angles para rope not seen)
7.Audience, TV show director,photographer, food van, studio night lights.. and other minor details.
8.Most objects,where possible, made dynamic. Dynamic destruction approved.
9.Night time TV show recordings approved. Extra lights installed.

--end base jump ramp feature list, other 1.3 changes:

-Mt. Chiliad south cliff night beam lights:
Devin Weston doesn't want to be sued for negligence by night base jumpers. Besides that, a lighted cliff wall just gives an extra vibe to such a boring mountain. Money no issue: 21 high powered beam lights installed by the most experienced cliff climbers of San Andreas.
-Side quest: Added base jumpers memorial. For the unlucky daredevils. It's located at the south cliff. Down there.......somewhere.
-Certain objects left out dependent on map version. See Map version section.

Extra: New versions of Guadmaz map editor supports larger draw distances. Increase it, if your performance allows it, to see Chiliad Airport complete and from a far distance.
Go into map editor --> settings --> draw distance(default 300).
Chiliad approach by plane + increased draw distance = greatness.

You can find guadmazs editor here:


-------end 1.3 change log-------

-------Chiliad Airport(1.3) map versions info-------

High versions:

High v1 file: chilhigh1.xml(possibly unstable):

1548 props + all vehicles(17)/peds(30).
flying gear = shamal,miljet,swift

When you notice not all objects loaded. Select new map in the map editor and load the map again. Sometimes all objects are loaded after second or third time loading. Problem not solved, try a normal(recommended) or lower version map. Issue with this high versions maps on my computer: the base jump glasswalk did not load first time.

High v2 file: chilhigh2.xml(possibly unstable):
1548 props, no peds and no vehicles.


Normal versions:

In normal version maps I removed almost half red/blue lights on pillars and runway/tarmac. White lights also reduced. Also some yellow markings removed. Still a good experience.

Normal v1 file: chilnorm1.xml:
(recommended map): special edition JUNK energy map. Final day of "fame or shame: daddy i want to be a basejumper" TV show recordings. All new vehicle platform layout. Special showcase of power vehicles in coop with sponsor JUNK energy drink. Visit night- and daytime recordings of Lazlows show. FPS will drop somewhat.

1371 props + all vehicle(15)/peds(30).
flying gear = blimp,annihilator,hydra

Normal v2 file: chilnorm2.xml:

1365 props + all vehicles(17)/peds(30).
flying gear = shamal,miljet,swift

Normal v3 file: chilnorm3.xml(recommended performance(fps) map):

1364 props + 5 vehicles + 3 peds
flying gear = hydra


Low versions:

Low v1 file: chillow1.xml

1364 props , no vehicles and peds

Low v2 file: chillow2.xml:

1241 props, no vehicles and peds

removed fame or shame event objects
removed south cliff base jump lights
removed traffic control interior objects
removed suitcases
removed some customs office interior objects
removed half of yellow dot taxi mark line
removed red background of text "runway ahead"

All version files can be found in the folders: high/normal/low after unzipping.

------- End Map versions info-------

------- How to install info -------

Unzip, choose one map version from folder high / normal or low and place the (namemap).xml file in your GTA V folder and load it using Guadmaz's Map Editor. Or place the .xml file in your GTAV / scripts / AutoloadMaps folder. I suggest to only load this map because its very high on props.
If you want to increase the draw distance of the map in guadmaz editor, make sure you do that before you load the map.
Map Editor menu ---> settings --> draw distance(default 300)

------- End install info -------

Minor issues/annoyances in maps:
-Lazlow animation makes him sometimes clip through object
-Parachute rope disappears when viewed at certain angles.
-No night light in cheapshot coffee cart.
-Most peds run same direction when panicked.
-Lazlows bench and chair could not be made dynamic.

------- Main story and features of Chiliad Airport 1.3 -------


Devin Weston holdings in cooperation with Skiver Construction Corporation and lifeinvader crowdfunding presents: Chiliad Airport.
To handle the recent increase of hippies, lunatics, pilgrims, hikers and conspiracy theorists visiting Mt. Chiliad, Devin Weston needed more than just a silly tramway: An airport on top of Mt. Chiliad overviewing all of San Andreas. For Devin the sky is never too high!! After some small protests from local environmental groups, construction began, and was completed after two years.

"...Because frankly I'm rich enough to do whatever the fuck I want and you're poor enough to not ask me any goddamn stupid questions. Now, I mean that as a friend. Namaste."
-Devin Weston


---Chiliad Airport 1.3 featuring:---

-Fully lighted runway (papi lights, CH W, CH E written with lights) with realistic markings.(threshold, aiming point markings, taxi markings) Chiliad east approach is open for landing. Chiliad west "never opens" because the tram station antenna tower is in its way but the smaller planes can still clear it. The runway is 747 jet (landing(CH E)/take off) approved.

-Taxi/parking platform, with markings and lights also includes:

1.Chiliad airport can park the 747 jet but only if its the only plane visiting. The 747 parking spot is marked with 747 lights.(1.3 high version only)
2.Four underground explosive jet fuel connection points for jet refueling on the parking tarmac.
3.Two lighted/marked heli platforms: skylift chopper size approved
4. The glasswalkway: Did somebody say yoga? Watch the magnificent Mt. Chiliad cliffs right under your feet.

To guarantee funding and silence environmentalists protests, Devin Weston agreed to build a new viewing platform: the glasswalkway(breakable, don't shoot it, or maybe you should). The old platform is taken over by plane spotters. Devin, a fan of yoga, asked Fabian Larouche to do some yoga courses on the glasswalkway.

"Feel one with nature, on top of the world: Namaste!"
-Fabian Larouche, weazel news interview at glasswalkway opening

5.Lowered service platform: passenger access from tramway / Customs / Vehicle parking. Baggage handling.(The baggage will travel from the tramway underground up to the flight platform, a cosmetic idea not animated)
6.First person plane view taxiing/landing approved.
7.Glasswalk base jumpers/skydive ramp. For professional base jumpers/skydive events. Chiliads base jumpers ramp has been build with Olympic standards in mind.
8.Dynamic destruction fun.

- Glide path circles for runway east landing: Because the Airport spawns a bit late(NEW: increase draw distance in guadmaz map editor) I added glide path yellow circle markers. When you fly through the second marker you should see the first part of the runway appear.

- Two multi-functional Air Traffic Control units hanging under runway east Chiliad to guide the pilots. WATCH YOUR STEP!! The ladders will give you access to the units and radar.

-Redone the upper Chiliad Tramway station entrance: Baggage handling for airport, atm machine, drinks and snacks, new floors, removed rubbish bins. Turn right to find the stairs to the airport.

-Explore Mt. Chiliad under the platform. See the enormous pillars keeping the airport in its place. Chiliad airport is already nominated for the modern construction wonders award.(did you just made that up !?!)

Try something new:

- fly between the pillars of Chiliad airport
- make Fabian Larouche fall a long way
- reach McKenzie Field and land under 30 seconds with lazer jet
- side quest: find the three hidden statues across the map.
- visit the base jumpers memorial and pay respect to those who lived outside their comfort zone.

thanks for reading and enjoy,
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Перше завантаження: 19 Вересня 2015
Останнє оновлення 25 Вересня 2015
Last Downloaded: 1 день назад

All Versions

 1.3 (current)

2 322 завантажень , 203,0 кБ
19 Вересня 2015

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