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@BOPOHua buddy says the hash name is COMPONENT_AT_AR_LASER
brother, make it possible to add laser sight. ive spoken with RDE 4.0 Dev - npc officers have laser sight - after editing my weapons meta i have applie it to player weapon (carbine) but i just need a means of equipping it to player. this is the perfect method!
Looks like this in weapons.meta
<Default value="false" />
<Default value="false" />
<Default value="false" />
@SuleMareVientu is there a particular time when they EVER spawn? does this require a specific game version? i have not updated to latest version im on previous gta version
@zaforr oh i see like literal map objects ingame
@SuleMareVientu can we get a PUKE animation if we eat too many dogs ?
@Equinox407 disregard, lol i figured it out
@Equinox407 cant find a single AR Scope in this pack for the carbine
@enoyan brother they are ALWAYS stuck at the stop sign, they just never move and when they do its one at a time, they trickle in.
@Venoxity bruh its not a diss i am only asking because in my game it does not have that affect https://imgur.com/pk7elmd
@Venoxity would love to see it compatible with HUD Toggler mod - https://www.lcpdfr.com/downloads/gta5mods/scripts/37143-hud-toggler-immersive-mini-map/