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By Cyron43
I can understand your feelings but I have retired from modding and from playing GTA V quite a while ago. However, when you read the guide you will find an explanation of how to update/change the vehicle pool (popgroups.ymt) by yourself. It's really no rocket science. :)
@fabi448 F3
@sjaak327 Since I don't play online I wonder about the anti aircraft stations switch. In what way does their behavior change if activated?
@nonja Because It's the de facto standard file compressor for a long time already! The compression ratio is much better than zip.
@cdubb11 Get Winrar. It's the de facto standard file compressor for a long time already!
@pongo1231 Love this mod. Can you add a menu entry which lets this mod be off by default? I'm asking because I'm not always at my PC while the game loads and so chaos breaks lose while I'm away.
Love this mod. Can you add a menu entry which lets this mod be off by default? I'm asking because I'm not always at my PC while the game loads and so chaos breaks lose while I'm away.
@Dave6997 Thank you. :)
@sjaak327 Thanks mate. :-)
@sjaak327 Something weird is going on here. The title claims V11.6 but when I hit the Download button I just get a list with all versions and the latest is V11.5.