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  • 84e50c images

    Like I said in my previous post I tired it xbox controller, ps3, ps4, and steam controllers does the same with every controller until I remove this mod then it works fine I was just wondering if ther is a mod that can fix this until you can fix this mod

  • 84e50c images

    until they fix this mod Enhanced Native Trainer with controllers does anyone know how to make a controller work correctly with Enhanced Native Trainer installed?

  • 84e50c images

    on my xbox controller, ps3, ps4, and steam controllers when this mod is installed and controller in game is set to standard the left stick click doesn't work can't crouch, and in planes gears don't do down. when you change to standard fps setting then all works. yet when I remove this mod its the only mod I have installed then all the controllers work in standard setting in game. plus the calibrate option in game also does not work when this mod is installed in game. when you have free time can you please fix this I really love this mod I love the way the menus are and the whole setting of the mod thank you