Vapid Sheriff Cruiser without lightbar 1.0
1 817
1 817
mod Add Sheriff Vapid Cruiser without lightbar, only strobes front/rear
This mod added also LSPD stanier slicktop of OfficerLund.
Also drop pump shotgun in sheriff SUV in stead of assault rifle. It's personnal change but i have forgot to replace. Sorry if you want Assault rifle, say it.
(sorry for my bad english)
Ce mod rajoute un vapid shériff sans rampe d'urgence avec les deux autres modèles déja éxistant. Il inclus aussi le modèle slicktop du LSPD Vapid fait par OfficerLund.
Le 4x4 du sheriff drop un fusil a pompe au lieu du fusil d'assault. c'est une modification personnelle, j'ai oublier de remplacer par l'arme d'origine. Si vous voulez retrouver le fusil d'assault, dites le.
This mod added also LSPD stanier slicktop of OfficerLund.
Also drop pump shotgun in sheriff SUV in stead of assault rifle. It's personnal change but i have forgot to replace. Sorry if you want Assault rifle, say it.
(sorry for my bad english)
Ce mod rajoute un vapid shériff sans rampe d'urgence avec les deux autres modèles déja éxistant. Il inclus aussi le modèle slicktop du LSPD Vapid fait par OfficerLund.
Le 4x4 du sheriff drop un fusil a pompe au lieu du fusil d'assault. c'est une modification personnelle, j'ai oublier de remplacer par l'arme d'origine. Si vous voulez retrouver le fusil d'assault, dites le.
Завантажено: 13 Травня 2015
Last Downloaded: 1 день назад
26 коментаря
mod Add Sheriff Vapid Cruiser without lightbar, only strobes front/rear
This mod added also LSPD stanier slicktop of OfficerLund.
Also drop pump shotgun in sheriff SUV in stead of assault rifle. It's personnal change but i have forgot to replace. Sorry if you want Assault rifle, say it.
(sorry for my bad english)
Ce mod rajoute un vapid shériff sans rampe d'urgence avec les deux autres modèles déja éxistant. Il inclus aussi le modèle slicktop du LSPD Vapid fait par OfficerLund.
Le 4x4 du sheriff drop un fusil a pompe au lieu du fusil d'assault. c'est une modification personnelle, j'ai oublier de remplacer par l'arme d'origine. Si vous voulez retrouver le fusil d'assault, dites le.
This mod added also LSPD stanier slicktop of OfficerLund.
Also drop pump shotgun in sheriff SUV in stead of assault rifle. It's personnal change but i have forgot to replace. Sorry if you want Assault rifle, say it.
(sorry for my bad english)
Ce mod rajoute un vapid shériff sans rampe d'urgence avec les deux autres modèles déja éxistant. Il inclus aussi le modèle slicktop du LSPD Vapid fait par OfficerLund.
Le 4x4 du sheriff drop un fusil a pompe au lieu du fusil d'assault. c'est une modification personnelle, j'ai oublier de remplacer par l'arme d'origine. Si vous voulez retrouver le fusil d'assault, dites le.
Завантажено: 13 Травня 2015
Last Downloaded: 1 день назад
@OfficerLund While I understand how you might feel about this, all you did was change a line of code. That's not something you can really put claim on. It's generous he even mentions you, he might aswell just have changed the line of code himself, like he did on the sheriffs car.
@Break Agreed, maybe if it had been a model edit but this is just a simple code line, not something that you can really claim.
@Break Doesn't hurt to ask, even if I did sound a bit demanding. I'm just sick of people doing this bullshit. Oh well, I guess it's just another mod.
This is great these 2 mods (OfficerLund-LSPD and alexT-SAPD mod) work perfect together and add some nice variety to the current fleet.
Even though it is a piece of edited code originally made from RockStar. It still never hurts to ask i`m sure it would have not been a problem anyway. OfficerLund did not have to release his version to the pubic the same way alexT didn`t.
It's literally numbers lol, you can't claim that.
@alexT Okay, cool. Thanks for the reply.
@OfficerLund I asked you if you could do it with the LSSO Stanier, you did not answer me. So I made this mod and I credit you for the LSPD. I also could not do it. If I would not put your mod, we would have no choice between the two vehicles and people have asked us to join the two vehicle at the same time. Now bullshit is you who come to claim the rights. We are just a community, if someone changes my mod to make it better I said yes and yes again. We are a community! no need to make this war as long as you in your work is recognized and credited elsewhere
@warTornRemnant, you welcome.
@alexT I did not realize you asked that. Just for next time, if you want to do something like this, just ask me first. I don't mind people improving my work, but I'd at least like a little confirmation.
@OfficerLund Just ask for what ? it's juste one code line, I must also ask to go pee?. I credite you, be happy ! or as say Trevor "go fuck yourself."
@OfficerLund I told you to get it out there quick...
Also just an fyi I know this mod is old I was just looking around but if you have LSPDFR you can do that in the options when you pick your car :)
How do you remove the light bar from cars? I have been trying to work it out but just can't get there. I basically want exactly what you have done here but for the police buffalo.
@VeyronEB It doesn't matter, it's OfficerLunds mod. And since he/she asked to have it taken down, it should've been to begin with.
Its called a slicktop....
So let me see if I understand this, you take off a lightbar with a vehicle that only has grille lights and no other front or exterior lights? I don't find that very appealing.
You can do it without that mod too, using ENT (Enhanced native trainer)
go in modifications and toggle off or on the Extra 11 (i think this number)
you canjust use mennyo to get this