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@Azhcrove Yeah, 100%
Both mods work fine together, it's something else causing thatt error
@ansh__007 00% compatible with Map Fixes
As for the rest, it should be compatible as well
@Imad Miganeh I'm pretty sure gamma and brightness (which can be changed in the game anyway) is the same across all platforms
GTA V Undead Nightmare
@Hillionliat They are all configured to load in the right order
@Nebula666 No
@EddiePulaski It requires changes to the game code, which I have no idea on how to do it
@Mauluskus Try a different nightly build of the SHVDN. The last time I tested it (also with a nightly build), it worked
@SnakeVenom33939 They broke/changed something within the code of the game, so there's nothing I can do
@slingy No, it's not. The dlc pack simply replaces the original files